Author of Audiobooks - Japanese-stories

Audio Books » Авторы » Japanese-stories
The Cat’s Elopement - Japanese-stories
The Cat’s Elopement - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Cat’s Elopement - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Cat’s Elopement - Japanese-stories
This Japanese story is a hidden gem from The Pink Fairy Book of Andrew Lang (1901). The tale came to Lang via a German collection of stories. It is not only terribly romantic, but contains some exciting fights between cat and dog, and cat and...
The Grateful Crane - Japanese-stories
The Grateful Crane - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Grateful Crane - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Grateful Crane - Japanese-stories
The crane, an elegant and beautiful bird, is considered to be auspicious in Japan. In this story, a poor farmer receives good fortune after he rescues a wounded crane. But unfortunately his curiosity gets the better of him, and his luck does not...
Urashima - Japanese-stories
Urashima - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Urashima - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Urashima - Japanese-stories
This picturesque Japanese tale has loads of charm, but is a little bit sad. It will take you to a beautiful underwater world, and back to the reality of mortality on dry land. These days we adapt many of the traditional tales ourselves, but this one...
The Samurai and the Tea Master - Japanese-stories
The Samurai and the Tea Master - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Samurai and the Tea Master - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Samurai and the Tea Master - Japanese-stories
This traditional story from Japan is about the time a Samurai warrior challenged a tea master to a duel. It shows how if you are the master of yourself, you can be the master of anything. The steadfastness of the Japanese character has been much on...
The Goblin Spider - Japanese-stories
The Goblin Spider - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Goblin Spider - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Goblin Spider - Japanese-stories
The Goblin Spider Dedicated to Teddy from San Antonio in Texas. Adapted (slightly) by Bertie. Read by Richard. Proofed and audio edited by Jana Elizabeth. A Spooky Story From Japan Hello, this is Richard. And I'm here with a creepy crawly tale from...
The Boy Who Loved to Draw Cats - Japanese-stories
The Boy Who Loved to Draw Cats - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Boy Who Loved to Draw Cats - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Boy Who Loved to Draw Cats - Japanese-stories
Adapted from a traditional Japanese Story by Bertie Read by Natasha Produced by Bertie Ninja cat drawing by Shutterstock Long ago, in Japan, there was a boy who was training to be a monk. He lived in the small temple at the end of the village. Every...
The Girl with a Bowl on her Head - Japanese-stories
The Girl with a Bowl on her Head - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Girl with a Bowl on her Head - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Girl with a Bowl on her Head - Japanese-stories
It's only natural for parents to worry, and sometimes they worry a little too much. Once, a girl was beautiful - and her parents worried that she was too pretty. They were so concerned that they sent her out into the world with a bowl over her head....
The Old Woman Who Lost Her Dumpling - Japanese-stories
The Old Woman Who Lost Her Dumpling - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Old Woman Who Lost Her Dumpling - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Old Woman Who Lost Her Dumpling - Japanese-stories
The Old Woman Who Lost Her Dumpling A story from Japan Dedicated to Poppy and Felix. Read by Richard Scott. Proofed & audio edited by Jana Elizabeth. Sound fx by Bertie. LONG, LONG ago there was a funny old woman, who liked to laugh and to make...
Schippeitaro - Japanese-stories
Schippeitaro - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Schippeitaro - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Schippeitaro - Japanese-stories
Who or what do you think Schippeitaro is? This story features some Demon Cats and cat wailing FX and is a little more spooky than usual. And don't forget to try out our wonderful sponsor, Outschool for fantastic...
How the Jellyfish Lost his Bones - Japanese-stories
How the Jellyfish Lost his Bones - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
How the Jellyfish Lost his Bones - Japanese-stories Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
How the Jellyfish Lost his Bones - Japanese-stories
Hello, Dedicated to Thomas in Australia whose family support us on Patreon This is Jana, I don’t know about you, but I’m not very keen on jellyfish. When I am splashing about in the sea, I wouldn’t like to bump into one of them, in case it stings me...