Author of Audiobooks - Harry Houdini
The Miracle Mongers, an Exposé - Harry Houdini

The Miracle Mongers, an Exposé - Harry Houdini
- Author: Harry Houdini
- Genre: Performing Arts
"A complete exposé of the modus operandi of fire eaters, heat resisters, poison eaters, venomous reptile defiers, sword swallowers, human ostriches, strong men, etc.", [by Harry Houdini, from the subtitle]....
The Right Way to Do Wrong - Harry Houdini

The Right Way to Do Wrong - Harry Houdini
- Author: Harry Houdini
- Genre: True Crime
Harry Houdini, master illusionist and contortionist, unmasks the various ways that criminals take advantage of their victims. (Summary by Lee Ann Howlett)...
A Magician Among the Spirits - Harry Houdini

A Magician Among the Spirits - Harry Houdini
- Author: Harry Houdini
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Psychology
Houdini, an escape artist and illusionist, became interested later in his life in debunking spiritualists, disbelieving anyone who claimed to have supernatural powers. This was during an era where paranormal phenomena, especially seances, were...