Author of Audiobooks - Greek Myths
Helen of Troy - Greek Myths

Helen of Troy - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
In Greek mythology, Helen was the most beautiful woman from the age of the heroes. She was the wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta (one of several Greek kingdoms). After Helen ran away with Paris, prince of Troy, the Greek armies fought a ten year long...
In the Cyclops Cave - Greek Myths

In the Cyclops Cave - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
We bring you one of the most exciting stories from Homer's Odyssey with our version of 'In the Cyclops Cave'. Warning: It's a rather scary story, as it is all about a giant who likes nothing better than to eat people. Odysseus, the craftiest man...
The Wooden Horse - Greek Myths

The Wooden Horse - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
The war between the Greeks and the Trojans is in its tenth year. The Trojans rejoice when the Greek army departs leaving behind a giant wooden horse. The Trojans are divided - should they set fire to the statue or should they worship it? The story...
The Homecoming of Odysseus - Greek Myths

The Homecoming of Odysseus - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
Download the audio The final part in our series about the Trojan War brings our ship-wrecked hero, Odysseus back home after 20 long years away. He arrives on his rocky island kingdom of Ithaca disguised as a beggar and finds that his palace is full...
Circe the Beautiful Witch - Greek Myths

Circe the Beautiful Witch - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
Circe ranks as one of the greatest witches of mythology. A beautiful enchantress - she likes nothing better than to turn men into pigs. (Some have seen her as a bit of a feminist). It is only when the wily Odysseus lands on her island that she...
The Boy Who Flew Too High - Greek Myths

The Boy Who Flew Too High - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
The myth from ancient Greece of the boy who flew too close to the sun. It continues the story of Daedalus, whom we first met in The Minotaur. We hear how he and his son Icarus tried to escape from Crete with wings made of feathers and wax. Some of...
The Minotaur - Greek Myths

The Minotaur - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
Download the audio of the Minotaur This is an exciting story of a duel between a monster and a man which took place in a dark underground labyrinth. It also has touch of a romance and the bitter after-taste of a betrayal. A little history about...
Dido and Aeneas - Greek Myths

Dido and Aeneas - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
This is Storynory’s production of the ancient legend about the foundation of Rome. It’s a love story with plenty of tragic drama, and we think it will appeal to slightly older children and young adults. That said, it is pretty exciting too. Aeneas,...
Orpheus - Greek Myths

Orpheus - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
We bring you this sad but, we hope, beautiful story in verse. Orpheus the musician married Eurydice the shepherdess. When she was killed by a snake, he traveled down to the underworld and was granted one chance to fetch her back to life. Bertie has...
The Midas Touch - Greek Myths

The Midas Touch - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
Download the audio to your computer (Right Click, Save As) Not all stories have a moral, but this one from ancient Greece certainly does. Midas has a gift - everything he touches turns to gold. But he soon learns that an excessive love of riches...
Jason and Medea Part One: The Voyage Begins - Greek Myths

Jason and Medea Part One: The Voyage Begins - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
Pictures by Nick Hayes for Storynory. Click to Enlarge. We begin our four part "epic" poem written in verse by Bertie for Storynory. You may know this famous story by other titles including Jason and the Golden Fleece and Jason and the Argonauts. We...
Song: Row On Boys - Greek Myths

Song: Row On Boys - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
A rowing song for our Jason and Medea series. We are not only telling the story of Jason and Medea in verse, but in song too ! We hope you enjoy these soaring vocals and bluesy guitar. We have two more songs to come, so listen out for those....
Jason and Medea Part Two : The Voyage to Colchis - Greek Myths

Jason and Medea Part Two : The Voyage to Colchis - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
Illustrations for Storynory by Nick Hayes. Click to enlarge. Jason and the Argonauts travel the seas on their way to Colchis to fetch the Golden fleece. On one stop along the way, they meet Amycus, the inhospitable king, who challenges their...
Song: Upstart Greek - Greek Myths

Song: Upstart Greek - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
An uptempo, amusing song about Jason and the Golden Fleece. We hope you will find this fun ! The words are a bit of a tongue-twister. Composed and Sung by Gabriella Burnel Guitar and Base by Drew Wynen Drums by Jayesh Vadukul Words by Bertie...
Jason and Medea Part Three: Princess Medea - Greek Myths

Jason and Medea Part Three: Princess Medea - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
Pictures for Storynory by Nick Hayes, click to enlarge. Our story is taken up by Princess Medea. Jason and the Argonauts have arrived in her father's kingdom of Colchis. They have come to take the fabulous Golden Fleece back to Greece - something...
The Labours of Heracles Part 1 - Greek Myths

The Labours of Heracles Part 1 - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
Picture by Bertie for Storynory Heracles was a favourite hero of both the Greeks and the Romans (the Romans called him Hercules). The goddess Hera (wife of Zeus) hated him, and made him perform 12 impossible tasks - impossible for anyone but...
Song: Wine Dark Sea - Greek Myths

Song: Wine Dark Sea - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
This haunting and romantic song tells how Jason asked Medea to sail with him across the wine dark sea. Composed and Sung by Gabriella Burnel Drums and inspiration by Jayesh Vadukul Guitar and Base by Drew Wynen Words by Bertie Engineer Felipe...
Jason and Medea Part Four: the Escape - Greek Myths

Jason and Medea Part Four: the Escape - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
Pictures by Nick Hayes. Click to enlarge. Please find the entire series filed under Greek Myths and don't miss three fabulous songs which go with the story. The final part of Jason and Medea is action packed. Jason must drive fierce bulls to plough...
Pygmalion - Greek Myths

Pygmalion - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
Pygmalion was a sculptor who scorned all women. He lived on the island of Cyprus, home to Aphrodite, goddess of love. Aphrodite would not let him shun women for ever. One day he fell in love with a statue made by his own hands. If you are interested...
The Labours of Heracles Part 2 - Greek Myths

The Labours of Heracles Part 2 - Greek Myths
- Author: Greek Myths
- Genre: Legends & Fairy Tales
We continue the adventures of the Greek Hero Heracles (Hercules to the Romans). In this part we hear about Labours 7 to 12 and a lesser known follow-up for poor Heracles - his imprisonment by Queen Omphale when he had to dress up as a girl! If you...