Author of Audiobooks - Florence HOLBROOK
The Book of Nature Myths - Florence HOLBROOK

The Book of Nature Myths - Florence HOLBROOK
- Author: Florence HOLBROOK
- Genre: Children's Fiction / Animals & Nature
This is a book of myths told by the Indians of North America to their children. They could be compared to present day Fairy Tales. (Summary by Kenneth Coon)...
Dramatic Reader for Lower Grades - Florence HOLBROOK

Dramatic Reader for Lower Grades - Florence HOLBROOK
- Author: Florence HOLBROOK
- Genre: Children's Fiction / Plays / Myths / Legends & Fairy Tales
Despite the title's bland sounding name, this book is a charming collection of 16 plays for children. These little plays—well-known stories done into dialogue—were written for children who like to imagine themselves living with their favorite...
The Book of Nature Myths (Version 2) - Florence HOLBROOK

The Book of Nature Myths (Version 2) - Florence HOLBROOK
- Author: Florence HOLBROOK
- Genre: Myths / Legends & Fairy Tales
These delightful stories about how natural things began are drawn from the early folk-lore of many races. The wonderful explanations of the phenomena of nature given by the native races appeal to the child's wonder about the same phenomena, and he...