Audio Books » Авторы » Elliott O'DONNELL

Author of Audiobooks - Elliott O\'DONNELL

Werwolves - Elliott O'DONNELL
Werwolves - Elliott O'DONNELL Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Werwolves - Elliott O'DONNELL Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Werwolves - Elliott O'DONNELL
Written in 1912 by a famous ghost hunter who was also an occult fantasy writer, this interesting book collects together folktales and traditions from across Europe, starting in the British Isles, through Spain, France, Belgium and Norway to Russia....
Animal Ghosts - Elliott O'DONNELL
Animal Ghosts - Elliott O'DONNELL Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Animal Ghosts - Elliott O'DONNELL Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Animal Ghosts - Elliott O'DONNELL
This is a collection of ghost stories in which the antagonists are various animals. Divided up into chapters of ghost sightings by each group of animals, you will hear of hauntings by dogs, cats, birds, jungle animals, etc. (Summary by Allyson...
Dog Ghosts - Elliott O'DONNELL
Dog Ghosts - Elliott O'DONNELL Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Dog Ghosts - Elliott O'DONNELL Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Dog Ghosts - Elliott O'DONNELL
Stories in which ghosts of dogs figure. This is chapter 2, Apparitions Of Dogs, of the book Animal Ghosts Or, Animal Hauntings and the Hereafter. - Summary by david wales...
Some Haunted Houses of England and Wales - Elliott O'DONNELL
Some Haunted Houses of England and Wales - Elliott O'DONNELL Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Some Haunted Houses of England and Wales - Elliott O'DONNELL Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Some Haunted Houses of England and Wales - Elliott O'DONNELL
Old buildings necessarily have a history. It is not always a happy history and folklore abounds. Sometimes unhappy souls come back to haunt the current residents or their guests. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, these narratives provide a...
The Sorcery Club - Elliott O'DONNELL
The Sorcery Club - Elliott O'DONNELL Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Sorcery Club - Elliott O'DONNELL Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Sorcery Club - Elliott O'DONNELL
Leon Hamar and his friends were out-of-work and starving in San Francisco after the firm they worked for went out of business. Leon acquired a strange book and some cash in a trade for his watch-chain, one of his last posessions. He hated books and...
Twenty Years' Experience as a Ghost Hunter - Elliott O'DONNELL
Twenty Years' Experience as a Ghost Hunter - Elliott O'DONNELL Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Twenty Years' Experience as a Ghost Hunter - Elliott O'DONNELL Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Twenty Years' Experience as a Ghost Hunter - Elliott O'DONNELL
After having a difficult time establishing a career as a novelist, O’Donnell discovered to his happy surprise that the reading public was very interested in his hobby of chasing ghosts, which he called “Superphysical Research.” After this, he made a...
Scottish Ghost Stories - Elliott O'DONNELL
Scottish Ghost Stories - Elliott O'DONNELL Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Scottish Ghost Stories - Elliott O'DONNELL Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Scottish Ghost Stories - Elliott O'DONNELL
A public domain collection of Scottish Ghost tales by Elliott O'Donnell. 1911 - Summary by Sherry Morrow...