Audio Books » Авторы » Ellen C. BABBITT

Author of Audiobooks - Ellen C. BABBITT

More Jataka Tales - Ellen C. BABBITT
More Jataka Tales - Ellen C. BABBITT Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
More Jataka Tales - Ellen C. BABBITT Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
More Jataka Tales - Ellen C. BABBITT
The continued success of the "Jataka Tales," as retold and published ten years ago, has led to this second and companion volume. Who that has read or told stories to children has not been lured on by the subtle flattery of their cry for "more"? The...
Jataka Tales - Ellen C. BABBITT
Jataka Tales - Ellen C. BABBITT Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Jataka Tales - Ellen C. BABBITT Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Jataka Tales - Ellen C. BABBITT
Jataka Tales form a part of the collective Indian Fairy tales with the only distinction that most of Jataka Tales have a moral. These are famous children stories and some of the stories like the "the turtle who couldn't stop talking" and "the King's...