Author of Audiobooks - E. E. Smith
The Skylark of Space (version 2) - E. E. Smith

The Skylark of Space (version 2) - E. E. Smith
- Author: E. E. Smith
- Genre: Science Fiction
The Skylark of Space is one of the earliest novels of interstellar travel and is considered a classic of pulp science fiction. Originally serialized in 1928 in the magazine Amazing Stories it is often categorized as the first literary space opera,...
First Lensman - E. E. Smith

First Lensman - E. E. Smith
- Author: E. E. Smith
- Genre: Science Fiction
The Secret Planet.No human had ever landed on the hidden planet of Arisia. A mysterious space barrier turned back both men and ships. Then the word came to Earth, "Go to Arisia!", Virgil Samms of the Galactic Patrol went--and came back with the...
Lord Tedric (version 2) - E. E. Smith

Lord Tedric (version 2) - E. E. Smith
- Author: E. E. Smith
- Genre: Fantasy Fiction
The best of science fantasy meets the best of science fiction as Tedric battles his way through two universes of adventure: In one universe...Tedric the Ironmaster wields the mightiest sword his world has ever seen - and swears to break the power of...
Spacehounds of IPC - E. E. Smith

Spacehounds of IPC - E. E. Smith
- Author: E. E. Smith
- Genre: Science Fiction
When the Inter-Planetary Corporation's (IPC) crack liner “IPV Arcturus” took off on a routine flight to Mars, it turned out to be the beginning of a unexpected and long voyage. There had been too many reports of errors in ship's flight positions...
Masters of Space - E. E. Smith

Masters of Space - E. E. Smith
- Author: E. E. Smith
- Genre: Science Fiction
The Masters had ruled all space with an unconquerable iron fist. But the Masters were gone. And this new, young race who came now to take their place--could they hope to defeat the ancient Enemy of All? (Summary by Gutenberg)...
Lord Tedric - E. E. Smith

Lord Tedric - E. E. Smith
- Author: E. E. Smith
- Genre: Fantasy Fiction
Time is the strangest of all mysteries. Relatively unimportant events, almost unnoticed as they occur, may, in hundreds of years, result in Ultimate Catastrophe. On Time Track Number One, that was the immutable result. But on Time Track Number Two...
Tedric - E. E. Smith

Tedric - E. E. Smith
- Author: E. E. Smith
- Genre: Science Fiction
This is a wonderful combination of far future science fiction with Conan like sword and sorcery; lots of blood, gore, honor and evil. The immensely powerful hero, Tedric, is a man's man who refuses to accept the cruel human sacrifices demanded by...
The Skylark of Space - E. E. Smith

The Skylark of Space - E. E. Smith
- Author: E. E. Smith
- Genre: Science Fiction
The novel begins with the accidental discovery, in a Government laboratory in Washington D. C., of a form of clean nuclear power. Our hero, Dr. Richard Seaton, uses this power to build first a flying belt and then an interstellar spaceship. He later...
Masters of Space - E. E. Smith

Masters of Space - E. E. Smith
- Author: E. E. Smith
- Genre: Science Fiction
The Masters had ruled all space with an unconquerable iron fist. But the Masters were gone. And this new, young race who came now to take their place—could they hope to defeat the ancient Enemy of All? - Summary from Gutenberg text...
Skylark Three - E. E. Smith

Skylark Three - E. E. Smith
- Author: E. E. Smith
- Genre: Science Fiction
This is a sequel to The Skylark of Space. The novel concerns Richard Seaton and his allies who have encounters with aliens while fighting DuQuesne and the Fenachrone..(Introduction by wikipedia)...
Triplanetary, First in the Lensman Series - E. E. Smith

Triplanetary, First in the Lensman Series - E. E. Smith
- Author: E. E. Smith
- Genre: Science Fiction
Triplanetary was first serialized in Amazing Stories in 1934. After the Lensman series became popular, Smith took his Triplanetary story and turned it into the first of the Lensman series, using it as a prequel to give the back story for the...
The Vortex Blaster - E. E. Smith

The Vortex Blaster - E. E. Smith
- Author: E. E. Smith
- Genre: Science Fiction
Uncontrolled, terribly violent Atomic Vortices are slowly destroying civilization on every human planet throughout the galaxy. Nothing can contain or stop them despite the lensmen's best efforts until one destroys the home and family of "Storm"...
Triplanetary - E. E. Smith

Triplanetary - E. E. Smith
- Author: E. E. Smith
- Genre: Action & Adventure Fiction / General Fiction / Science Fiction
“Doc” E.E. Smith pretty much invented the space opera genre, and Triplanetary is a good and well-known example. Physics, time, and politics never stand in the way of a plot that gallops ahead without letup.Having earned a PhD in chemical...
The Galaxy Primes - E. E. Smith

The Galaxy Primes - E. E. Smith
- Author: E. E. Smith
- Genre: Science Fiction
They were four of the greatest minds in the Universe: Two men, two women, lost in an experimental spaceship billions of parsecs from home. And as they mentally charted the Cosmos to find their way back to earth, their own loves and hates were as...