Author of Audiobooks - Athanasius of Alexandria

Audio Books » Авторы » Athanasius of Alexandria
The Life of Anthony - Athanasius of Alexandria
The Life of Anthony - Athanasius of Alexandria Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Life of Anthony - Athanasius of Alexandria Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Life of Anthony - Athanasius of Alexandria
Anthony (251-356CE) lived in Egypt, and became one of the fathers of Christian desert monasticism. When he was about 18 years old, and having inherited a large fortune, he heard a sermon about Jesus challenging the rich young ruler to "go, sell what...
Four Discourses Against The Arians - Athanasius of Alexandria
Four Discourses Against The Arians - Athanasius of Alexandria Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Four Discourses Against The Arians - Athanasius of Alexandria Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Four Discourses Against The Arians - Athanasius of Alexandria
In spite of Nicea's condemnation of Arius in 325, Arianism was far from dead. For decades after Nicea, political intrigue and personality clashes continued to confuse the doctrinal issues. Additionally, the line separating othodoxy from Arianism was...
Contra Gentes - Athanasius of Alexandria
Contra Gentes - Athanasius of Alexandria Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Contra Gentes - Athanasius of Alexandria Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Contra Gentes - Athanasius of Alexandria
Contra Gentes is the first of a two volume work published by Athanasius of Alexandria prior to the outbreak of the Arian controversy (ca. 319). It focuses especially on pagan beliefs and worship concluding with a defense of the Christian view of God...
The Life of Anthony (Version 2) - Athanasius of Alexandria
The Life of Anthony (Version 2) - Athanasius of Alexandria Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Life of Anthony (Version 2) - Athanasius of Alexandria Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
The Life of Anthony (Version 2) - Athanasius of Alexandria
The Life Of St. Anthony the Great....
Later Treatises of Saint Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria - Athanasius of Alexandria
Later Treatises of Saint Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria - Athanasius of Alexandria Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Later Treatises of Saint Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria - Athanasius of Alexandria Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |
Later Treatises of Saint Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria - Athanasius of Alexandria
The times, for which God raised up Saint Athanasius, have, in many respects, a counterpart in our own. There is, now too, earnest, ever-enlarging, adherence to the faith, in those who hold it. But there is also a wide-spread dislike of definite...