Author of Audiobooks - Annie Besant
Marriage, as it was, as it is and as it should be - Annie Besant

Marriage, as it was, as it is and as it should be - Annie Besant
- Author: Annie Besant
- Genre: Family & Relationships
In this short pamphlet, Annie Besant - a well-known British women's rights activist - lays down British marriage laws as they were at her time. She opposes the view of married women as mere property of their husbands, with virtually no rights of...
Annie Besant - Annie Besant

Annie Besant - Annie Besant
- Author: Annie Besant
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Atheism & Agnosticism
In her autobiography, Annie Besant poignantly writes of her search for the truth of what she believed in, leaving Christianity behind to embrace Atheism, and ultimately finding her peace in Theosophy, which she became interested in after meeting...
My Path to Atheism - Annie Besant

My Path to Atheism - Annie Besant
- Author: Annie Besant
- Genre: Religion / Atheism & Agnosticism
My Path to Atheism is a remarkable document in many ways, not least that it was written by a woman in Victorian England, not the most open free-thinking of societies, especially for women at that time. It needed a remarkable woman to write such a...