Author of Audiobooks - American Standard Version
Bible (ASV) 15: Ezra - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) 15: Ezra - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: Bibles
The history of the first return of exiles, in the first year of Cyrus the Great (536 B.C.), till the completion and dedication of the new Temple in Jerusalem, in the sixth year of Darius (515 B.C.). The history of the second return under Ezra, in...
Bible (ASV) 17: Esther - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) 17: Esther - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: Bibles
The book commences with a feast organized by Ahasuerus, initially for his court and dignitaries and afterwards for all inhabitants of Shushan. Ahasuerus orders his wife Vashti to display her beauty before the guests. She refuses, and the King's...
Bible (ASV) NT 21: 1 Peter - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) NT 21: 1 Peter - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: Bibles
The First Epistle of Peter is a book of the New Testament. It has traditionally been held to have been written by Saint Peter the apostle during his time as bishop of Rome. The letter is addressed to various churches in Asia Minor suffering...
Bible (ASV) 22: Song of Solomon - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) 22: Song of Solomon - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Religion
The Song of Songs is the twenty-second book of The Bible and was authored by Solomon. In some translations, this book is entitled The Song of Solomon. It is also known as The Best Song. Replete with metaphor, this book is a love song that describes...
Bible (ASV) NT 17: Titus - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) NT 17: Titus - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: Bibles
The Epistle to Titus is a book of the canonic New Testament, one of the three so-called "pastoral epistles" (with 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy). It is a letter from Paul to the Apostle Titus. (Summary from Wikipedia)...
Bible (ASV) NT 16: 2 Timothy - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) NT 16: 2 Timothy - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: Bibles
The Second Epistle to Timothy is one of the three Pastoral Epistles, written by Paul, and is part of the canonical New Testament. It may have been written sometime in 67 A.D. during Paul's second Roman imprisonment. In his letter, the writer urges...
Bible (ASV) 18: Job - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) 18: Job - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Religion
The Book of Job (American Standard Version) is presented in forty-two chapters and is one of the Old Testament Wisdom Books. The narrative chronicles the trials of Job as he is brought low from a comfortable and exalted position in his community to...
Bible (ASV) 22: Song of Solomon (version 2) - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) 22: Song of Solomon (version 2) - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: *Non-fiction
The Song of Songs (Hebrew title שיר השירים, Shir ha-Shirim), is a book of the Hebrew Bible—Tanakh or Old Testament—one of the five megillot (scrolls). It is also known as the Song of Solomon or as Canticles, the latter from the shortened and...
Bible (ASV) 31: Obadiah - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) 31: Obadiah - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: Bibles
"The Book of Obadiah is found in both the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, where it is the shortest book, only one chapter long. Its authorship is generally attributed to a person named Obadiah, which means “servant (or...
Bible (ASV) NT 10: Ephesians - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) NT 10: Ephesians - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: Bibles
Described by William Barclay as the "Queen of the Epistles," the Epistle to the Ephesians is one of the books of the Bible in the New Testament. Paul is traditionally said to have written the letter while he was in prison in Rome (around 63 A.D.)....
Bible (ASV) 07: Judges - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) 07: Judges - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: Bibles
"The Book of Judges (Hebrew: Sefer Shoftim) is a book of the Bible originally written in Hebrew. It appears in the Tanakh and in the Christian Old Testament. Its title refers to its contents; it contains the history of Biblical judges (not to be...
Bible (ASV) NT 14: 2 Thessalonians - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) NT 14: 2 Thessalonians - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: Bibles
The Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, also known as the Second Letter to the Thessalonians, is a book from the New Testament of the Christian Bible. It was written by Paul. (Summary from Wikipedia)...
Bible (ASV) 16: Nehemiah - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) 16: Nehemiah - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: Bibles
"The Book of Nehemiah, sometimes called the Second Book of Ezra, is a book of the Hebrew Bible. It is historically regarded as a continuation of the Book of Ezra, and the two are frequently taken together as Ezra-Nehemiah. Traditionally, the author...
Bible (ASV) 32: Jonah - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) 32: Jonah - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: Bibles
In the Hebrew Bible, the Book of Jonah is the fifth book in a series of books called the Minor Prophets. Unlike other prophetic books however, this book is not a record of a prophet’s words toward Israel. Instead of the poetry and prophetic prose of...
Bible (ASV) NT 18: Epistle to Philemon - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) NT 18: Epistle to Philemon - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: Bibles
Paul, who is apparently in prison (probably in either Rome or Ephesus), writes to a fellow-Christian Philemon and two of his associates. Paul writes on behalf of Philemon's slave, Onesimus. Beyond that, it is not self-evident as to what has...
Bible (ASV) 33: Micah - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) 33: Micah - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: Bibles
The book may be divided into three sections: Chapters 1–3 mainly consist of oracles of judgment. Chapters 4–5 of oracles of hope. Chapters 6–7 begins with judgment and moves to hope. Chapters 1–3 mainly consist of oracles of judgment. The judgment...
Bible (ASV) NT 13: 1 Thessalonians - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) NT 13: 1 Thessalonians - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: Bibles
The First Epistle to the Thessalonians, also known as the First Letter to the Thessalonians, is a book from the New Testament of the Christian Bible. It was written by Paul. (Summary from Wikipedia)...
Bible (ASV) 20: Proverbs - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) 20: Proverbs - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: Bibles
Proverbs, a book of the Old Testament, is a collection of pithy Biblical sayings. It is wisdom literature by multiple authors, including Solomon. Throughout the book, Lady Wisdom and Lady Folly struggle to get the attention of the simple, leading...
Bible (ASV) 08: Ruth - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) 08: Ruth - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: Bibles
During the time of the Judges when there was a famine, an Israelite family from Bethlehem - Elimelech, his wife Naomi, and their sons Mahlon and Chilion - emigrate to the nearby country of Moab. Elimelech dies, and the sons marry two Moabite women:...
Bible (ASV) NT 15: 1 Timothy - American Standard Version

Bible (ASV) NT 15: 1 Timothy - American Standard Version
- Author: American Standard Version
- Genre: Bibles
The First Epistle to Timothy is one of the three Pastoral Epistles, written by Saint Paul and part of the New Testament of the Bible. It consists mainly of counsels to Timothy regarding the forms of worship and organization of the Church, and the...