Social Science (Culture & Anthropology) - a genre of audiobooks on the website Page - 8
A Study of British Genius - Havelock ELLIS

A Study of British Genius - Havelock ELLIS
- Author: Havelock ELLIS
- Genre: Psychology / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
The psychological and anthropological character of genius in the British Isles was investigated by Ellis. Citing and collating an extensive source of information from the Dictionary of National Biography, many pieces of informational are discussed,...
A Social History of the American Negro - Benjamin Griffith BRAWLEY

A Social History of the American Negro - Benjamin Griffith BRAWLEY
- Author: Benjamin Griffith BRAWLEY
- Genre: History / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
A comprehensive history of what experiences and influences created the Negro American citizen as we find him at the beginning of the twentieth century. - Summary by Jim Locke...
The Workers - An Experiment in Reality: The East - Walter A. Wyckoff

The Workers - An Experiment in Reality: The East - Walter A. Wyckoff
- Author: Walter A. Wyckoff
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
A young scholar, recently graduated from Princeton College, travels across the United States as a member of the working class, taking any job he could find, enduring hardships and struggling to make a living. He travelled mainly on foot, designing...
The Diary of a Country Parson - James Woodforde

The Diary of a Country Parson - James Woodforde
- Author: James Woodforde
- Genre: Social Science (Culture & Anthropology) / Memoirs
The Revd. James Woodforde was an English clergyman, best known for his vivid account of parish life in the 18th century. His diary, edited by John Beresford, remained unpublished until the 20th century. The diary provides a wonderfully full account...
Preliminary Report on Neo-Fascist and Hate Groups - House Un-American Activities Committee

Preliminary Report on Neo-Fascist and Hate Groups - House Un-American Activities Committee
- Author: House Un-American Activities Committee
- Genre: Social Science (Culture & Anthropology) / Modern (20th C)
A preliminary report to the U. S. Congress on a portion of the subversive activities conducted by two specific Neo-Fascist organizations that espouse racial hatred and un-Democratic positions then at work in the United States. (Early 1950s) -...
Tea and Tea Drinking - Alfred Arthur Reade

Tea and Tea Drinking - Alfred Arthur Reade
- Author: Alfred Arthur Reade
- Genre: Social Science (Culture & Anthropology) / Modern (19th C)
Not a complete history of tea, but a pleasant diversion concerning tea, the pleasures found in its drinking, effects, benefits, cautions, etc. Sprinkled with poetry and excerpts from historical personages and the occasional sermon. - Summary by...
Christmas and Christmas Lore - Thomas G. Crippen

Christmas and Christmas Lore - Thomas G. Crippen
- Author: Thomas G. Crippen
- Genre: Social Science (Culture & Anthropology) / Christianity - Other
For above forty years I have been a diligent collector of history, tradition, legend, custom, or folklore, whether from familiar or unfamiliar sources, relating to the festival of the Holy Nativity. Moreover, I have gathered copiously from scarce...
An Apache Campaign In The Sierra Madre - John Gregory Bourke

An Apache Campaign In The Sierra Madre - John Gregory Bourke
- Author: John Gregory Bourke
- Genre: War & Military / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology) / Modern (19th C)
An account of the expedition [of the U.S. Army] in pursuit of the hostile Chiricahua Apaches in the spring of 1883. (Book subtitle) Bourke was a Medal of Honor awardee in the American Civil War whose subsequent Army career included several campaigns...
Greek Literature - Henry Julius Wetenhall Tillyard

Greek Literature - Henry Julius Wetenhall Tillyard
- Author: Henry Julius Wetenhall Tillyard
- Genre: Literary Criticism / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
"The Greeks were the most intellectual people of the old world. … The study of Greek literature is therefore a proper element in a liberal education. The Greek language, naturally flexible and rich in poetical words, becomes in the hands of the...