Single author - a genre of audiobooks on the website Page - 3
To Be a Pilgrim - John Bunyan

To Be a Pilgrim - John Bunyan
- Author: John Bunyan
- Genre: Single author / Multi-version (Weekly and Fortnightly poetry)
From John Bunyan's classic, The Pilgrim's Progress, we find the poem To Be a Pilgrim, an inspiring reminder of who we are in Christ. This was the weekly poem for March 8-15, 2015. - Summary by Esther ben Simonides...
Collected Poems 1901-1918 - Walter De la Mare

Collected Poems 1901-1918 - Walter De la Mare
- Author: Walter De la Mare
- Genre: Single author
Early poems written by Walter de la Mare. de la Mare is best remembered for his works for children. This collection includes: Poems: 1906 The Listeners: 1914 Motley: 1918 Songs of Childhood: 1901 (Summary by MaryAnn)...
A Dome of Many-Coloured Glass - Amy Lowell

A Dome of Many-Coloured Glass - Amy Lowell
- Author: Amy Lowell
- Genre: Single author
This is a collection of lyrical poems, sonnets and verses for children by Amy Lowell. "For quaint pictorial exactitude and bizarrerie of color these poems remind one of Flemish masters and Dutch tulip gardens; again, they are fine and fantastic,...
A Shropshire Lad - A. E. Housman

A Shropshire Lad - A. E. Housman
- Author: A. E. Housman
- Genre: Single author
A Shropshire Lad is a cycle of sixty-three poems by the English poet Alfred Edward Housman. A Shropshire Lad was first published in 1896 at Housman's own expense after several publishers had turned it down. At first the book sold slowly, but during...
Poems - Rainer Maria Rilke

Poems - Rainer Maria Rilke
- Author: Rainer Maria Rilke
- Genre: Single author
A concise collection of poems translated from the great German poet Rilke into formal English verse. Although the translation may be freer than some modern texts, this selection, which spans early and later writings and includes a preface...
Fables for the Frivolous - Guy Wetmore Carryl

Fables for the Frivolous - Guy Wetmore Carryl
- Author: Guy Wetmore Carryl
- Genre: Humorous Fiction / Poetry / Single author
One of the earliest works by the American parodist, Guy Wetmore Carryl, these fables are adapted from Jean de La Fontaine’s original writings. The fables are written in verse, and are light-hearted re-tellings of fables from two centuries before,...
The Prophet (version 2) - Kahlil Gibran

The Prophet (version 2) - Kahlil Gibran
- Author: Kahlil Gibran
- Genre: Single author
The Prophet is an inspirational book of 28 lyrical prose essays on life, love, children, religion, work, and more, - written in English by the Lebanese artist, philosopher and writer Kahlil Gibran. It was originally published in 1923 by Alfred A....
A Lover's Diary - Gilbert Parker

A Lover's Diary - Gilbert Parker
- Author: Gilbert Parker
- Genre: Single author
A collection of 83 rather besotted love sonnets by Gilbert Parker, written early in his career, with an accompanying interesting and someone apologetic Introduction by the author himself. Sir Gilbert Parker, as he came to be known, went on to become...
Selections from Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War - Herman Melville

Selections from Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War - Herman Melville
- Author: Herman Melville
- Genre: Single author / War & Military
Published in 1866, Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War is a collection of poems about the Civil War by Herman Melville. Many of the poems are inspired by second- and third-hand accounts from print news sources (especially the Rebellion Record) and...
Sappho: One Hundred Lyrics - Bliss Carman

Sappho: One Hundred Lyrics - Bliss Carman
- Author: Bliss Carman
- Genre: Single author
In one hundred lyrical poems Carman strives to recreate the Lost Songs of Sappho, a task he fulfills both with imaginative freedom and great attention to the original fragments. Summary by inflected....
The Early Poems of Hart Crane - Hart Crane

The Early Poems of Hart Crane - Hart Crane
- Author: Hart Crane
- Genre: Single author
A collection of Hart Crane poems published before 1923.These poems originally appeared in a variety of magazines (The Pagan, The Double Dealer, Bruno’s Weekly, Bruno’s Bohemia, Gargoyle, The Little Review, The Modernist, The Double Dealer, Dial, The...
Robert Browning 200th Anniversary Collection - Robert Browning

Robert Browning 200th Anniversary Collection - Robert Browning
- Author: Robert Browning
- Genre: Poetry / Single author / Letters
For this collection, LibriVox volunteers made their own selections from Robert Browning's poetry and prose to celebrate the 200th anniversary of his birth on 7th May 1812....
The Flowers of Evil - Charles Baudelaire

The Flowers of Evil - Charles Baudelaire
- Author: Charles Baudelaire
- Genre: Single author
This is a collection of French poems by Charles Baudelaire, originally titled "Les Fleurs du mal." It was popular in the symbolist and modernist movements of the 19th century, and the poems are about decadence and eroticism. (Summary by Assaf Koss)...
Advice: A Book of Poems - Maxwell Bodenheim

Advice: A Book of Poems - Maxwell Bodenheim
- Author: Maxwell Bodenheim
- Genre: Single author
41 brief poems covering an assortment of subjects. - Summary by adr6090...
The Suppressed Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson - Alfred, Lord Tennyson

The Suppressed Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson - Alfred, Lord Tennyson
- Author: Alfred Lord Tennyson
- Genre: Single author
To those unacquainted with Tennyson's conscientious methods, it may seem strange that a volume of 160 pages is necessary to contain those poems written and published by him during his active literary career, and ultimately rejected as...
Some Verses - Theodore Wratislaw

Some Verses - Theodore Wratislaw
- Author: Theodore Wratislaw
- Genre: Single author / Lyric
Theodore Wratislaw was a fin de siècle poet and a less famous Decadent author than some of his contemporaries.This short collection of verse was first published in 1892....
Mountain Interval - Robert Frost

Mountain Interval - Robert Frost
- Author: Robert Frost
- Genre: Single author
Originally published in 1916 and revised in 1920, Mountain Interval is Robert Frost's third collection of solo poetry. In it, Frost reflects on human tragedies and fears, expresses his reaction to the complexities of life, and ultimately accepts his...
The War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon - Siegfried SASSOON

The War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon - Siegfried SASSOON
- Author: Siegfried SASSOON
- Genre: Single author / War & Military
Siegfried Sassoon was one of the first to write poetry about the brutal reality of war, based on his real-life experiences in the trenches. He served in World War I on the Western Front and was awarded the Military Cross for bravery under fire....
Selected Poems - Elizabeth SIDDAL

Selected Poems - Elizabeth SIDDAL
- Author: Elizabeth SIDDAL
- Genre: Single author / Lyric
Elizabeth Siddal was a British poet, artist and model. Her poems were not published in a single volume in her lifetime; this collection brings together fifteen of her verses on themes such as loss and relationships. Summary by Newgatenovelist...
The Calendar and Other Verses - Irving Sydney Dix

The Calendar and Other Verses - Irving Sydney Dix
- Author: Irving Sydney Dix
- Genre: Single author
Written by poet Irving Sydney Dix in 1913 for "evidence of my love for and interest in the greatest of all the arts," this little collection of poems includes "The Calendar," "Fairies of the Frost," and "The Sinking of the Titanic." (Summary by...