To a Poet a thousand years henceRiouperouxThe Town without a MarketThe Ballad of Camden TownMignonFelo de seTenebris InterlucentemInvitation to a young but learned friend . . .Ballad of the LondonerThe First Sonnet of BathrolaireThe Second Sonnet of BathrolaireThe Masque of the MagiThe Ballad of Hampstead HeathLitany to SatanThe Translator and the ChildrenOpportunityDestroyer of Ships, Men, CitiesWar Song of the SaracensJoseph and MaryNo Coward's SongA Western VoyageFountainsThe Welsh SeaOxford CanalHialmar speaks to the RavenThe Ballad of the Student in the SouthThe Queen's songLord ArnaldosWe that were friendsMy FriendIdealMary MagdalenI rose from dreamless hoursPrayerA Miracle of BethlehemGravis Dulcis ImmutabilisPillageThe Ballad of ZachoPavlovna in LondonThe SentimentalistDon Juan in HellThe Ballad of Iskander
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