Joyce KIlmer may yet be an obscure poet had he not had his poem, Trees, published in Poetry in 1913. But, this book precedes that, and shows his flowing lyricism and the dripping sentimentality of his earlier work. - Summary by Larry Wilson
Dedication and PrefaceSummer of LoveVillanelle of LovelandThuriferIn a Book-shopEademIn FairylandThe Sorrows of King MidasSlender Your HandsSleep SongLove’s ThoroughfareWhite Bird of LoveTransfigurationMy LadyGifts of SheeWherever, WheneverBallade of My Lady’s BeautyLove’s RosaryTributeMatinA ValentineStar of LoveFor a BirthdayThe Use of NightAlchemyWayfarersWith a MirrorPrincess BalladeLullaby for a Baby FairyGeorge Meredith''And Forbid Them Not''A Dead PoetThe Morning Meditations of Frère HyacinthusVillanelle of the PlayersThe Mad FiddlerThe Grass in Madison SquareChevely CrossingSaid the RoseWhite Marble and Green GrassMetamorphosisAbsintheTheologyFor a ChildTo J. B. Y.The King’s BalladJesus and the Summer RainBallade of ButterfliesThe Clouded Sun (To A. S.)In Memoriam: Florence NightingaleBallad of ThreeCourt MusiciansThe Dead LoverThe Poet’s EpitaphThe SubwayThe Other LoverAge Comes A-wooingPrayer to BragiImitation of Richepin’s Ballade of the Beggars’ KingLove and the Fowler’s BoyThe Way of Love
Summer of Love - Joyce KILMER - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at