This is Volume 5: Poems of Meditation and of Forest and Field of the collected works of Madison Julius Cawein, an American poet from Kentucky. It begins with the long poem Intimations of the Beautiful and falls into three sections: Poems of Meditation, Poems of Forest and Field, and Footpaths. - Summary by Larry Wilson
To GertrudeIntimations of the Beautiful Part I (I-X include intro)Intimations of the Beautiful Part 2 (XI-XX)Intimations of the Beautiful Part 3 (XX1-XXX)Intimations of the Beautiful Part 4 (XXXI-XL)Intimations of the Beautiful Part 5 (XLI-L)Intimations of the Beautiful Part 6 (LI-LX)Intimations of the Beautiful Part 7 (LXI-LXVII)The Moated GrangeCircePoppy and MandragoraRosemaryNightshadeLotusMolyChryselephantineSibyllineEleusinianArgonautSic Vos Non VobisWith the TideApportionmentEsoteric BeautyTempestRevelationAnalogiesMnemonicsAssumptionProem to ''Undertones''UnqualifiedUnencouraged AspirationInterpretedSecond SightSuccessThe House of SongFlowersDead Sea FruitRequiemAt LastRememberedMonochromesThe World’s DesireThe UnattainableProblemsThe BeautifulWorld’s AttainmentA Blown RoseNepentheOn a DialUnutterableQuestioningsFragmentsDeityDisenchantment of DeathSleepChattertonThe SymphonyA Song for Old Age''When the Wine-cup at the Lip''The Better LotPassionThe TroglodyteThe Evanescent BeautifulThe Higher BrotherhoodTo a WindflowerMicrocosmFortuneDeathThe SoulConscienceYouthLife’s SeasonsThe Light and LarkThe Jessamine and the Morning-GloryThe Toad in the SkullThe MoonmenPhantomsThe House of DeathEidolonsIdentitiesHallowe’enAnsweredUnfulfilledDirgeRestClairvoyanceThe IdealTo One Reading the Morte D’ArthureThe CrossNightfallPauseAbove the ValesInsomniaEncouragementWhich?StormTime and Death and LoveA PhantasyWhereforeTristram and IsoltNightDawnThe OcklawahaThe MinorcanThe Spring in FloridaLong AgoSelfAspirationPeaceSinThe House of FearSatanOssianQuatrainsThe Puritans’ ChristmasThe New YearThe Poet of the SierrasAmerica''The Fathers of Our Fathers''Mene Tekel UpharsinUnder the Stars and StripesOur CauseAfterwordPoems of Forest and FieldThe HylasWind and CloudIn Solitary PlacesThe Man HuntThe Forest of Shadows''Rose Leaves, When the Rose is Dead''Music and MoonlightThe AwakeningThe Vale of TempeThe Ballad of Low-Lie-DownVagabondsRevealmentA Yellow RoseWhippoorwill TimeNovemberHallowmasAubadeWoman’s LoveAt MoonriseThe Lamp at the WindowAchievementMysteriesA Song of the SnowThe Wood WaterThe Egret HunterThe Miracle of the DawnPenetraliaThe Heaven-BornThe Ballad of the RoseBertrand De BornThe Troubadour, Pons De CapdeuilThe Old HomeThe Old Herb-ManThe SolitaryFootpathsElfinAuthoritiesThe Willow WaterElusionThe Lost GardenLate October WoodsIn the Beech WoodsThe Word in the WoodThe Night-WindGod’s Green BookA Wet DayAfter StormSunset on the RiverTabernaclesThe Cat-BirdDays Come and GoThe Waning YearGray NovemberWhat of it ThenWomanhoodThe Rose’s SecretThe Hushed HouseUnforgottenUnsuccessThe First QuarterZeroOn the HilltopAutumn StormThe JongleurOld Sir JohnIn Ages PastThe MiserUnto What EndEpilogue
The Poems of Madison Cawein Vol 5 - Madison Cawein - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at