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How To Write Short Stories, with examples - Ring Lardner Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |

How To Write Short Stories, with examples - Ring Lardner

Here are 10 humorous short stories by Ring Lardner (March 5, 1885 – September 25, 1933), an American sports columnist and short-story writer best known for his satirical writings on sports, marriage, and the theatre. His contemporaries Ernest Hemingway, Virginia Woolf, and F. Scott Fitzgerald all professed strong admiration for his writing. ( Wikipedia and Michele Fry)
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Preface1.1 The Facts1.2 The Facts2.1 Some Like Them Cold2.2 Some Like Them Cold3.1 Alibi Ike3.2 Alibi Ike4.1 The Golden Honeymoon4.2 The Golden Honeymoon5.1 Champion5.2 Champion6.1 My Roomy6.2 My Roomy7.1 A Caddy's Diary7.2 A Caddy's Diary8.1 A Frame-Up8.2 A Frame-Up9.1 Harmony9.2 Harmony10.1 Horseshoes10.2 Horseshoes
How To Write Short Stories, with examples - Ring Lardner - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at
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