A collection of five stories by Anthony Trollope: Why Frau Frohmann Raised Her Prices; The Lady of Launay;Christmas at Thompson Hall; The Telegraph Girl; and Alice Dugdale - Summary by Nicholas Clifford
Frau Frohmann Chap. I The Brunnenthal PeacockFrau Frohmann Chap. II The Beginning of TroublesFrau Frohmann Chap. III The Question of the MitgiftFrau Frohmann Chap. IV The Frau Returns to the Simplicity of the Old DaysFrau Frohmann Chap. V A Zwansiger is a ZwansigerFrau Frohmann Chap. VI Hoff the ButcherFrau Frohmann Chap. VII And Gold Becomes CheapFrau Frohmann Chap. VIII It Doesn't Make Any Difference to Any of ThemThe Lady of Launay Chapter I How Bessy Pryor Became a Young Lady of Importance.The Lady of Launay Chap. II How Bessy Pryor Wouldn't Marry the ParsonThe Lady of Launay Chap. III How Bessy Pryor Came to Love the Heir of LaunayThe Lady of Launay Chap. IV How Bessy Pryor Owned That She was EngagedThe Lady of Launay Chap. V How Bessy Pryor Ceased to be a Young Lady of ImportanceThe Lady of Launay Chap. VI How Bessy Pryor Was to be BanishedThe Lady of Launay Chap. VII How Bessy Pryor Was Banished to NormandyThe Lady of Launay Chap. VIII How Bessy Pryor Received Two Letters From LaunayThe Lady of Launay Chap. IX How Bessy Pryor Anwered the two Letters and What Came of it.The Lady of Launay Chap. X How Bessy Pryor's Lover Argued His CaseThe Lady of Launay Chap. XI How Bessy Pryor Received Her LoverThe Lady of Launay Chap. XII How Bessy Pryor was Brought Back and What Then Became of HerChristmas at Thompson Hall Chap. I Mrs. Brown's SuccessChristmas at Thompson Hall Chap. II Mrs. Brown's FailureChristmas at Thompson Hall Chap. III Mrs. Brown Attempts to EscapeChristmas at Thompson Hall Chap. IV Mrs. Brown Does EscapeChristmas at Thompson Hall Chap. V Mrs. Brown at Thompson HallThe Telegraph Girl Chap. I Lucy Graham and Sophy WilsonThe Telegraph Girl Chap. II Abraham HallThe Telegraph Girl Chap. III Sophy Wilson Goes to HastingsThe Telegraph Girl Chap. IV Mr. Brown the HairdresserThe Telegraph Girl Chap. V Abraham Hall MarriedAlice Dugdate Chap. I The Doctor's FamilyAlice Dugdale Chap. II Major RossiterAlice Dugdale Chap. III Lady WanlessAlice Dugdale Chap. IV The BeethamitesAlice Dugdale Chap. V The InvitationAlice Dugdale Chap. VI The Archery MeetingAlice Dugdale Chap. VII After the PartyAlice Dugdale Chap. VIII Sir Walter Up in LondonAlice Dugdale Chap. IX Lady DeepbellAlice Dugdale Chap. XI The Bird that Pecked at the Window
Why Frau Frohmann Raised Her Prices and Other Stories - Anthony Trollope - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at Knigi-Audio.com/en/