Self-Help - a genre of audiobooks on the website Page - 7
The Heart of the New Thought - Ella Wheeler Wilcox

The Heart of the New Thought - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
- Author: Ella Wheeler Wilcox
- Genre: Self-Help
A new book of original essays by this gifted woman dealing with The New Thought in practice. It deals with the practice of New Thought in our daily lives. A helpful and inspiring book, fully equal to the very best work this author has done. -...
The Omnipotent Self - Paul Bousfield

The Omnipotent Self - Paul Bousfield
- Author: Paul Bousfield
- Genre: Psychology / Self-Help
“Nature has granted to all to be happy if we but knew how to use her gifts.”—Claudius. Often we feel "down" or "low", without being clinically depressed or seeking the aid of a doctor. This is a study, in layman's terms, of the causes and effects of...
The Way of Peace (version 3) - James Allen

The Way of Peace (version 3) - James Allen
- Author: James Allen
- Genre: Self-Help
‘The Way of Peace’ is the second part of James Allen’s first published work titled ‘From Poverty to Power’ alternatively titled ‘The Realization of Prosperity and Peace’ (1901). Where part one focused more on the power an individual possesses over...
Etiquette Made Easy - Edward Summers Squier

Etiquette Made Easy - Edward Summers Squier
- Author: Edward Summers Squier
- Genre: Self-Help
"A complete dictionary [sic] containing the right information for any and all occasions." (From the book's dust jacket.) - Summary by KevinS...
Putting the Most Into Life - Booker T. Washington

Putting the Most Into Life - Booker T. Washington
- Author: Booker T. Washington
- Genre: Self-Help
The chapters in this little book were originally part of a series of Sunday Evening Talks given by the Principal to the students of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute. They have been recast from the second to the third person, and many...
Nuggets of the New Thought - William Walker Atkinson

Nuggets of the New Thought - William Walker Atkinson
- Author: William Walker Atkinson
- Genre: Self-Help
A series of essays by this forceful writer, constituting the cream of his magazine articles upon New Thought topics. The famous "I Can and I Will" essay forms the opening chapter. "The Secret of the I AM," of which 40,000 copies have been sold, is...
Character - Samuel Smiles

Character - Samuel Smiles
- Author: Samuel Smiles
- Genre: Self-Help
Samuel Smiles is known even today as an author that promoted the improvement of society through the improvement of individuals and their character. This book describes some of the traits that make up truly great men and women, peppering it with...
The Eight Pillars of Prosperity (Version 2) - James Allen

The Eight Pillars of Prosperity (Version 2) - James Allen
- Author: James Allen
- Genre: Business & Economics / Self-Help
“Prosperity, like a house, is a roof over a man’s head, affording him protection and comfort. A roof presupposes a support, and a support necessitates a foundation. The roof of prosperity, then, is supported by the following eight pillars which are...
The Freedom of Life - Annie Payson Call

The Freedom of Life - Annie Payson Call
- Author: Annie Payson Call
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Self-Help
'The Freedom of Life' is a mind-illuminating book, in which author Annie Payson Call (1853-1940) wrote about many of the troubles that we usually face mentally and physically in our lives. It shows the reader various perspectives of dealing with the...
Thrift - Samuel Smiles

Thrift - Samuel Smiles
- Author: Samuel Smiles
- Genre: Business & Economics / Self-Help
"This book is intended as a sequel to Self-Help and Character. It might, indeed, have appeared as an introduction to these volumes; for Thrift is the basis of Self-Help, and the foundation of much that is excellent in Character. The object of this...