We is considered to be one of the first dystopian novels and the inspiration for later novels in the genre such as George Orwell's 1984 and Aldus Huxley's Brave New World. The story takes place in a future totalitarian world where conformity is good and individuality bad. It is written from the perspective of one of the members of this society who sees all he knows and loves falling apart due to others' quest for freedom of thought and action.
This book addresses the perpetual conflict between between independent individualism and mob mentality.
This work, by Russian author Yevgeny Zamyatin has the distinction of being the first book banned by the Soviet Union.
ForwordAn Announcement—The Wisest of Lines—A PoemBallet—Square Harmony—XA Coat—A Wall—The TablesThe Wild Man with the Barometer—Epilepsy—IfThe Square—The Rulers of the World—An Agreeable and Useful FunctionAn Accident—The Cursed "It's Clear"—Twenty-Four HoursAn Eyelash—Taylor—Henbane and Lily of the ValleyAn Irrational Root—R-13—The TriangleLiturgy—Iambus—The Cast-Iron HandA Letter—A Membrane—Hairy INo, I Can't; Let It Be without Headings!The Delimitation of the Infinite—Angel—Meditations on PoetryFog—Thou—A Decidedly Absurd Adventure"Mine"—Impossible—A Cold FloorThe Bell—The Mirror-Like Sea—I am to Burn EternallyYellow—A Two-Dimensional Shadow—An Incurable SoulThrough Glass—I Died—The CorridorLogical Debris—Wounds and Plaster—Never AgainThe Infinitesimal of the Third Order—From Under the Forehead— Over the RailingDischarge—The Material of an Idea—The Zero RockThe Duty of an Author—The Ice-Swells—The Most Difficult LoveThe Benumbed Waves—Everything is Improving—I Am a MicrobeFlowers—The Dissolution of a Crystal—If Only (?)The Limit of the Function—Easter—To Cross Out EverythingThe Descent from Heaven—The Greatest Catastrophe in History—The Known—Is EndedThe World Does Exist—Rash—Forty-One Degrees CentigradeNo Headings, It is ImpossibleBoth of Them—Entropy and Energy—The Opaque Part of the BodyThreads of the Face—Sprouts—An Unnatural CompresssionThe Last Number—Galileo's Mistake—Would It Not Be BetterThe Great Operation—I Forgave Everything—The Collision of TrainsI Do Not Believe—Tractors—A Little Human SplinterThis without a Synopsis, Hastily, the LastThe Forgiven Ones—A Sunny Night—A Radio-WalkyrieIn a Ring—A Carrot—A MurderEmpty Pages—The Christian God—About My MotherInfusorian—Doomsday—Her RoomI Don’t Know What Title—Perhaps the Whole Synopsis May Be Called a Cast-off Cigarette-buttThe EndFacts—The Bell—I am Certain
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