Satire - a genre of audiobooks on the website Page - 8
In the Sweet Dry and Dry - Christopher Morley

In the Sweet Dry and Dry - Christopher Morley
- Author: Christopher Morley
- Genre: General Fiction / Humorous Fiction / Satire
Written just before Prohibition to entail the possible troubles that might happen en route. Both sides of the argument, or battle as the case may be, strike out with various over-top methods like legislating most fruits and vegetables as unsafe or...
A Common Story - Ivan Goncharov

A Common Story - Ivan Goncharov
- Author: Ivan Goncharov
- Genre: Literary Fiction / Satire
Alexander Fedoritch Adouev is the naïve, pampered son of Anna Pavlovna, a provincial landowner. He decides to go off to Saint Petersburg, not only to make his mark upon society but also to fulfill his two rosy romantic dreams of becoming a great...
The Bores - Molière

The Bores - Molière
- Author: Molière
- Genre: Plays / Satire
Moliere: "Never was any Dramatic performance so hurried as this; and it is a thing, I believe, quite new, to have a comedy planned, finished, got up, and played in a fortnight. I do not say this to boast of an impromptu, or to pretend to any...
The Satyricon - Gaius Petronius ARBITER

The Satyricon - Gaius Petronius ARBITER
- Author: Gaius Petronius ARBITER
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Satire
Satyricon (or Satyrica) is a Latin work of fiction in a mixture of prose and poetry. It is believed to have been written by Gaius Petronius, though the manuscript tradition identifies the author as a certain Titus Petronius. As with the...
Mr. Dooley in Peace and in War - Finley Peter DUNNE

Mr. Dooley in Peace and in War - Finley Peter DUNNE
- Author: Finley Peter DUNNE
- Genre: Humorous Fiction / Satire
In Chicago lay a street called Archey Road, which stretched through a neighborhood which was mostly Irish immigrants, among whom was Martin Dooley, "doctor of philosophy." Mr. Dooley was a saloonkeeper with opinions on most everything in his day,...
The Knight of the Burning Pestle - Francis Beaumont

The Knight of the Burning Pestle - Francis Beaumont
- Author: Francis Beaumont
- Genre: Satire
The Knight of the Burning Pestle is a play in five acts, first performed in 1607. It is the first whole parody (or pastiche) play in English. The play is a satire on chivalric romances in general, similar to Don Quixote. It breaks the fourth wall...
The Lie (version 2) - Sir Walter RALEIGH

The Lie (version 2) - Sir Walter RALEIGH
- Author: Sir Walter RALEIGH
- Genre: Poetry / Satire / Multi-version (Weekly and Fortnightly poetry)
LibriVox volunteers bring you 10 recordings of "The Lie" by Sir Walter Raleigh. This was the fortnightly poem for the period beginning September 16, 2012. The Lie is a political and social criticism poem probably written by Sir Walter Raleigh....
Mark Twain’s Journal Writings, Volume 3 - Mark Twain

Mark Twain’s Journal Writings, Volume 3 - Mark Twain
- Author: Mark Twain
- Genre: Humorous Fiction / Satire / Short Stories
This third volume of Mark Twain's journal writings continues on eclectic and varied path established by the first two volumes. Included in this collection are works that appeared by themselves in magazines during Twain's lifetime, as well as essays...
The Blunderer, or The Counterplots - Molière

The Blunderer, or The Counterplots - Molière
- Author: Molière
- Genre: Plays / Satire
A very early Moliere. From the Translator: "In this piece the plot is carried on ... by a servant, Mascarille, who is the first original personage Molière has created; he is not a mere imitation of the valets of the Italian or classical comedy; he...
The Importance of Being Earnest (Version 4) - Oscar Wilde

The Importance of Being Earnest (Version 4) - Oscar Wilde
- Author: Oscar Wilde
- Genre: Satire
This is a solo recording of the play, meaning that all parts including stage directions are performed by one person. LibriVox has three excellent dramatic recordings with all the parts played by different people so if that is more to your taste,...
The Acharnians (Billson Translation) - Aristophanes

The Acharnians (Billson Translation) - Aristophanes
- Author: Aristophanes
- Genre: Satire
Loaded with cryptic, nearly indecipherable inside jokes and double entendres, this early comedy of Aristophanes has a simple, anti-war premise that resounds down the centuries. On flimsy pretexts, greedy politicians have embroiled the nation of...
The Green Carnation - Robert Smythe HICHENS

The Green Carnation - Robert Smythe HICHENS
- Author: Robert Smythe HICHENS
- Genre: Satire
The Green Carnation, first published anonymously in 1894, was a scandalous novel by Robert Hichens whose lead characters are closely based on Oscar Wilde and Lord Alfred Douglas - also known as 'Bosie', whom the author personally knew. It was an...
The Idiot - John Kendrick Bangs

The Idiot - John Kendrick Bangs
- Author: John Kendrick Bangs
- Genre: Humorous Fiction / Satire
The Idiot is anything but, yet his fellow boarders at Mrs. Smithers-Pedagog’s home for single gentlemen see him as such. His brand of creative thought is dismissed as foolishness yet it continues to get under their skin, because when you’re beneath...
Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences - Mark Twain

Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences - Mark Twain
- Author: Mark Twain
- Genre: Satire
Fenimore Cooper - author of The Deerslayer, The Last of the Mohicans, etc - has often been praised, but just as often been criticised for his writing. Mark Twain wrote a funny, vicious little essay on the subject, in which he states: "In one place...
The Devil is an Ass - Ben Jonson

The Devil is an Ass - Ben Jonson
- Author: Ben Jonson
- Genre: Plays / Satire
An inferior devil, Pug, asks Satan to send him to Earth to tempt men to Evil. But when Pug arrives in 1616 London and sets himself at the Squire Fabian Fitzdottrel, he finds Fabian currently beset by con men, cheats, connivers, thieves, villains,...
Satires and Profanities - George William FOOTE

Satires and Profanities - George William FOOTE
- Author: George William FOOTE
- Genre: Humorous Fiction / Satire / Short Stories
"Believing as I do that James Thomson is, since Shelley, the most brilliant genius who has wielded a pen in the service of Freethought, I take a natural pride and pleasure in rescuing the following articles from burial in the great mausoleum of the...
The Way of All Flesh - Samuel BUTLER

The Way of All Flesh - Samuel BUTLER
- Author: Samuel BUTLER
- Genre: Satire / Published 1800 -1900
The Way of All Flesh (1903) is a semi-autobiographical novel by Samuel Butler which attacks Victorian-era hypocrisy. Written between 1873 and 1884, it traces four generations of the Pontifex family. It represents the diminishment of religious...
Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen

Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen
- Author: Jane Austen
- Genre: Horror & Supernatural Fiction / Romance / Satire
Northanger Abbey is a hilarious parody of 18th century gothic novels. The heroine, 17-year old Catherine, has been reading far too many “horrid” gothic novels and would love to encounter some gothic-style terror — but the superficial world of Bath...
Aesop's Fables, Volume 11 (Fables 251-275) - Aesop

Aesop's Fables, Volume 11 (Fables 251-275) - Aesop
- Author: Aesop
- Genre: Children's Fiction / Myths / Legends & Fairy Tales / Satire
Dating back to the 6th century BC, Aesop's Fables tell universal truths through the use of simple allegories that are easily understood. Though almost nothing is known of Aesop himself, and some scholars question whether he existed at all, these...
Roads of Destiny - O. Henry

Roads of Destiny - O. Henry
- Author: O. Henry
- Genre: Satire / Westerns / Single Author Collections
This is another collection of O. Henry short stories. - Summary by Sid...