Book V, Chapter I: In which the reader will meet with an old acquaintance.Book V, Chapter II: In which Booth pays a visit to the noble lord.Book V, Chapter III: Relating principally to the affairs of serjeant Atkinson.Book V, Chapter IV: Containing matters that require no preface.Book V, Chapter V: Containing much herioc matter.Book V, Chapter VI: In which the reader will find matter worthy his consideration.Book V, Chapter VII: Containing various matters.Book V, Chapter VIII: The heroic behavior of Colonel Bath.Book V, Chapter IX: Being the last chapter of the fifth book.Book VI, Chapter I: Panegyrics on beauty, with other grave matters.Book VI, Chapter II: Which will not appear, we preseume, unnatural to all married readers.Book VI, Chapter III: In which the history look a little backwards.Book VI, Chapter IV: Containing a very extraordinary incident.Book VI, Chapter V: Containing some matters not very unnatural.Book VI, Chapter VI: A scene in which some ladies will possibly think Amelia's conduct exceptionable.Book VI, Chapter VII: A chapter in which there is much learning.Book VI, Chapter VIII: Containing some unaccountable behavior in Mrs. Ellison.Book VI, Chapter IX: Containing a very strange incident.Book VII, Chapter I: A very short chapter, and consequently requiring no preface.Book VII, Chapter II: The beginning of Mrs. Bennet's history.Book VII, Chapter III: Continuation of Mrs. Bennet's story.Book VII, Chapter IV: Further continuation.Book VII, Chapter V: The story of Mrs. Bennet continued.Book VII, Chapter VI: Farther continued.Book VII, Chapter VII: The story farther continued.Book VII, Chapter VIII: Further continuation.Book VII, Chapter IX: The conclusion of Mrs. Bennet's history.Book VII, Chapter X: Being the last chapter of the seventh book.Book VIII, Chapter I: Being the first chapter of the eighth book.Book VIII, Chapter II: Containing an account of Mr. Booth's fellow-sufferers.Book VIII, Chapter III: Containing some extraordinary behavior in Mrs. Ellison.Book VIII, Chapter IV: Containing, among many matters, the exemplary behavior of Colonel James.Book VIII, Chapter V: Comments upon authors.Book VIII, Chapter VI: Which inclines rather to satire than panegyric.Book VIII, Chapter VII: Worthy a very serious perusal.Book VIII, Chapter VIII: Consisting of grave matters.Book VIII, Chapter IX: A curious chapter, from which a curious reader may draw sundry observations.Book VIII, Chapter X: In which are many profound secrets of philosophy.
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