The Wise Men's VisitThe Angel TidingsJesus in the TempleThe Wonderful Draught of FishesThe House Built Upon the SandHealing the Centurion's ServantAnointing the Feet of JesusThe Rich FoolThe Unfruitful TreeSowing the SeedThe Enemy Sowing TaresThe Parable of the LeavenSeeking for Hidden TreasureThe Pearl of Great PriceThe Parable of the NetThe Man Possessed by DevilsCuring the IncurableJairus' DaughterThe Two Blind MenFeeding Five ThousandChrist Walking on the SeaThe Woman of CannanPeter and the Tribute MoneyThe Good SamaritanImportunity RewardedThe Unmerciful ServantThe Good ShepherdThe Lost Piece of MoneyThe Prodigal SonPeter's Wife's Mother CuredThe Unjust StewardThe Rich Man and the Beggar"Avenge Me of My Adversary"The Pharisee and the Tax-GathererThe Laborers in the VineyardThe Barren Fig TreeThe Wicked HusbandmanWithout the Wedding GarmentThe Foolish VirginsThe Parable of the TalentsMan with the Withered HandJesus Ascends to HeavenThe Philippian JailerTimothy and His Mother EuniceChrist Blessing the Children
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