A short, simple Old Testament Bible History for children, but which can also be enjoyed by adults alike. Starting with Creation, the sections cover Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses, etc. up to the promise of a Redeemer. The same format continues in the volume that follows - My Bible History: New Testament - by the same author. (Summary by Maria Therese)
01 - Creation02 - The Battle of the Angels03 - Adam and Eve in Paradise04 - Man's First Sin05 - The Punishment for Disobedience06 - Cain and Abel07 - The Ark of Noe08 -The Great Flood (about 2500 B.C.)09 - The Tower of Babel10 - The Promise to Abraham11 - Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha12 - Abraham's Test13 - Eliezer, the Faithful Servant14 - Isaac and Rebecca15 - Mess of Pottage16 - Jacob's Dream17 - Jacob and Rachel18 - The Return of Jacob19 - The Coat of Many Colors20 - Joseph in Prison21 - The King's Dream22 - Plenty and Famine23 - Joseph and His Brothers in Egypt (1706 B.C.)24 - Jacob in Egypt25 - The Trial of Job26 - The Reward of Patience27 - The Rescue of Moses28 - The Flight of Moses29 - The Burning Bush30 - The Punishment of Egypt31 - The First Passover (about 1500 B.C.)32 - Passage Through the Red Sea33 - Manna in the Wilderness34 - The Ten Commandments35 - The Golden Calf36 - The Tabernacle and Sacrifices37 - The Twelve Spies38 - Miracles in the Desert39 - Arrival at the Promised Land40 - The Victory of Gedeon41 - The Strength of Samson42 - The Faithfulness of Ruth43 - Samuel as Judge44 - Saul, First King of Israel45 - David and Goliath46 - King David (about 1010 B.C.)47 - The Ingratitude of Absalom48 - The Wisdom of Solomon (about 1015 B.C.)49 - The Temple of Solomon (1004 B.C.)50 - Elias the Prophet51 - The Miracle of the Fire52 - Jonas and the Fish53 - Tobias and His Son54 - Judith in the Assyrian Camp55 - The Babylonian Captivity (about 585 B.C.)56 - The Writing on the Wall57 - Daniel in the Lion's Den58 - Queen Esther Before the King59 - The Promise of the Redeemer
My Bible History: Old Testament - Louis Laravoire MORROW - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at Knigi-Audio.com/en/