Published 1900 onward - a genre of audiobooks on the website Page - 7
Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
- Author: Fyodor Dostoyevsky
- Genre: Published 1900 onward
Crime and Punishment focuses on the mental anguish and moral dilemmas of Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, an impoverished St. Petersburg student who formulates and executes a plan to kill a hated, unscrupulous pawnbroker for her money, thereby solving...
The Third Person - Henry James

The Third Person - Henry James
- Author: Henry James
- Genre: Humorous Fiction / Published 1900 onward / Single Author Collections
The Third Person is an amusing spoof on spooking. The 'ghostly man about the house' in whom two increasingly competitive maiden ladies come to take a proprietary interest is as unlikely to inspire terror as the wraith in one of James's earliest...
The Colonel's Dream - Charles Waddell Chesnutt

The Colonel's Dream - Charles Waddell Chesnutt
- Author: Charles Waddell Chesnutt
- Genre: Literary Fiction / Published 1900 onward
In this novel, Chesnutt described the hopelessness of Reconstruction in a post-Civil War South that was bent on reestablishing the former status quo and rebuilding itself as a region of the United States where new forms of "slavery" would replace...
Finn The Wolfhound - Alec John DAWSON

Finn The Wolfhound - Alec John DAWSON
- Author: Alec John DAWSON
- Genre: Nature & Animal Fiction / Published 1900 onward
Dawson published over thirty books, the one best remembered today probably being the animal adventure story Finn the Wolfhound (1908)…. His own dog Tynagh and her son Gareth, who was described as the largest and finest specimen of his breed to date,...
The Pretty Lady - Arnold Bennett

The Pretty Lady - Arnold Bennett
- Author: Arnold Bennett
- Genre: Published 1900 onward
‘The Pretty Lady’ is considered to be one of Bennett's most revealing and under-rated works. It is the story of a French prostitute, Christine, who has escaped from wartime Ostend, and set herself up in business in London. Though a refugee, she...
The Canterville Ghost (version 2) - Oscar Wilde

The Canterville Ghost (version 2) - Oscar Wilde
- Author: Oscar Wilde
- Genre: Humorous Fiction / Published 1900 onward
A modern American family move into a traditionally drafty and very haunted English mansion. So far so good but anyone knowing Wilde can expect twists and turns to make it interesting. In this cast the crusty old ghost has a tough time convincing the...
Laughter Limited - Nina Wilcox PUTNAM

Laughter Limited - Nina Wilcox PUTNAM
- Author: Nina Wilcox PUTNAM
- Genre: Published 1900 onward
When some people write the story of their life it is a sign that they are dead. There are in the motion-picture world also a class of dead ones who allow somebody else to write their biography. Dead from the neck up, anyways. They may be alive as...
The Milky Way - F. Tennyson Jesse

The Milky Way - F. Tennyson Jesse
- Author: F. Tennyson Jesse
- Genre: Published 1900 onward
The Milky Way - F. Tennyson Jesse's first novel - began life as a 1913 magazine serial called The Adventures of Viv. In it, poor-but-plucky Cornish painter/model Vivian Lovel recounts events of her twenty-first year: en route from Penzance to London...
Sons and Lovers (Version 2) - D. H. Lawrence

Sons and Lovers (Version 2) - D. H. Lawrence
- Author: D. H. Lawrence
- Genre: Literary Fiction / Published 1900 onward
Lawrence summarised the plot of Sons and Lovers in a letter to Edward Garnett in 1912: “It follows this idea: a woman of character and refinement goes into the lower class, and has no satisfaction in her own life. She has had a passion for her...
Royal Highness - Thomas MANN

Royal Highness - Thomas MANN
- Author: Thomas MANN
- Genre: Literary Fiction / Published 1900 onward
Royal Highness is the story of Prince Klaus Heinrich, a member of a struggling German duchy and an exotic American heiress who comes to live as his neighbor. The novel is a microcosm of Europe before World War I, with Mann's depiction of a decaying...
At the Foot of the Rainbow - Gene STRATTON-PORTER

At the Foot of the Rainbow - Gene STRATTON-PORTER
- Genre: Published 1900 onward
This story is about three people, two men and a woman. Jimmy, selfish and deceitful, who has shamelessly lied to, cheated, and used his dear friend Dannie for years. His wife Mary, who loves another. And finally Dannie himself, the patient, kind,...
Wanted: A Husband - Samuel Hopkins ADAMS

Wanted: A Husband - Samuel Hopkins ADAMS
- Author: Samuel Hopkins ADAMS
- Genre: Romance / Published 1900 onward
This serious, yet witty and hilarious, romantic comedy by Samuel Hopkins Adams is a must read/listen! From the very beginning it intrigues you with the troubles and feminine woes of young Miss Darcy Cole. Being a dowdy, unkempt fledgling lady, she...
The Diamond Pin - Carolyn Wells

The Diamond Pin - Carolyn Wells
- Author: Carolyn Wells
- Genre: Crime & Mystery Fiction / Published 1900 onward
Eccentric and wealthy New York widow Ursula Pell loves playing cruel jokes on her guests and particularly on her niece and nephew who are destined to inherit the millions in gems left to her by her late husband. Therefore when she is found brutally...
The Garden of Eden - Max Brand

The Garden of Eden - Max Brand
- Author: Max Brand
- Genre: Westerns / Published 1900 onward
Ben Connor is a gambler who knows horses. He goes out west to get away from the gambling life he has been leading in New York. There he discovers a breed of grey horses that he thinks are the best horses he has ever seen. The problem is that these...
Five Tales - John Galsworthy

Five Tales - John Galsworthy
- Author: John Galsworthy
- Genre: Published 1900 onward / Single Author Collections
This 1918 book consists of five short stories or novelettes by Galsworthy. They are The First and Last (1914), A Stoic, The Apple Tree (1916), The Juryman, Indian Summer of a Forsyte (1918) This last became part of the trilogy The Forsyte Saga....
Amy Foster - Joseph Conrad

Amy Foster - Joseph Conrad
- Author: Joseph Conrad
- Genre: Romance / Published 1900 onward
Classic shortish story by Conrad that relates his self-thought alienation from British society, as a young foreign man survives a shipwreck off the coast of Kent, England only to be shunned by most of the townsfolk. The one exception is the loving,...
The Financier - Theodore DREISER

The Financier - Theodore DREISER
- Author: Theodore DREISER
- Genre: Published 1900 onward
In Philadelphia, Frank Cowperwood, whose father is a banker, makes his first money by buying cheap soaps on the market and selling it back with profit to a grocer. Later, he gets a job in Henry Waterman & Company, and leaves it for Tighe &...

- Genre: Published 1900 onward
Based on the author's own life, this book tells the story of "little sister". The youngest of eleven, she is unwanted in the beginning. The brother who loved her most, and whom she loved most in the world, is Laddie. She is almost lonely, and it's...
Some Everyday Folk and Dawn - Miles FRANKLIN

Some Everyday Folk and Dawn - Miles FRANKLIN
- Author: Miles FRANKLIN
- Genre: Published 1900 onward
It is 1904 and women's suffrage has hit the small town of Noonoon. Though the election campaigners preen themselves for the women's vote, the fight isn't entirely won, for the male residents are bristling at this threat to their supremacy. And down...
The Ambassadors - Henry James

The Ambassadors - Henry James
- Author: Henry James
- Genre: Published 1900 onward
Henry James considered The Ambassadors his best, or perhaps his best-wrought, novel. It plays on the great Jamesian theme of the American abroad, who finds himself in an older, and some would say richer, culture that that of the United States, with...