Audio Books » Published 1800 -1900 » There and Back - George MacDonald
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There and Back - George MacDonald

An unscrupulous baronet is left a widower and couldn't care less what happens to his ugly newborn heir. But when an icy stepmother moves in and the child is stolen away by his loving nurse, what can unfold but a riveting account of the years of mystery, drama, love and lessons for which MacDonald's writings are known. (Sequel to Thomas Wingfold, Curate and "Paul Faber, Surgeon") - Summary by HannahMary
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Father, Child, and NurseStepmother and NurseThe FlightThe Bookbinder and His PupilThe MansonsSimon ArmourComparisonsA Lost ShoeA HolidayThe LibraryAliceMortgrangeThe Beech TreeThe LibraryBarbara WylderBarbara and RichardBarbara and OthersMrs. WylderMrs. Wylder and BarbaraBarbara and Her CriticsThe Parson's ParableThe Rime of the Ancient MarinerA Human GadflyRichard and WingfoldWingfold and His WifeRichard and AliceA SisterBarbara and Lady AnnAlice and BarbaraBarbara ThinksWingfold and BarbaraThe Shoeing of Miss BrownRichard and VixenBarbara's DutyThe Parson's CounselLady Ann MeditatesLady Ann and RichardRichard and ArthurMr., Mrs., and Miss WylderIn LondonNature and SupernatureYet a Lower DeepTo Be Redeemed, One Must RedeemA Door Opened in HeavenThe CarriageRichard's DilemmaThe Doors of Harmony and DeathDeath and the DelivererThe Cave in the FireDuck FistsBaronet and BlacksmithUncle-Father and Aunt-MotherMorningBarbara at HomeMiss BrownWingfold and BarbaraThe Baronet's WillThe HeirWingfold and Arthur MansonRichard and His FamilyHeart to HeartThe QuarrelBaronet and BlacksmithThe Baronet's FuneralThe PacketBarbara's Dream
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