Published in 1894, this is the first book by the renowned inspirational author, Dr. Orison Swett Marden. Pushing to the Front is the product of many years of hard work, and marks a turning point in the life of Dr. Marden. He rewrote it following an accidental fire that brought the five-thousand-plus page manuscript to flames. It went on to become the most popular personal-development book of its time, and is a timeless classic in its genre. Filled with stories of success, triumph and the surmounting of difficulties, it is especially well-targeted at the adolescent or young adult. It is a book to inspire the reader towards a noble sense of integrity, a strong moral foundation, and solid, enduring self-discipline to let the reader put each foot forward as the leader they are meant to be. (Summary by Luke Sartor)
ForewordChapter I: The Man and the OpportunityChapter II: Wanted - a ManChapter III: Boys with No ChanceChapter IV: The Country BoyChapter V: Opportunities Where You AreChapter VI: Possibilities in Spare MomentsChapter VII: How Poor Boys and Girls Go to CollegeChapter VIII: Your Opportunity Confronts You—What Will You Do with It?Chapter IX: Round Boys in Square HolesChapter X: What Career?Chapter XI: Choosing a VocationChapter XII: Concentrated EnergyChapter XIII: The Triumphs of EnthusiasmChapter XIV: "On Time," Or, The Triumph of PromptnessChapter XV: What a Good Appearance Will DoChapter XVI: Personality as a Success AssetChapter XVII: If You Can Talk WellChapter XVIII: A Fortune in Good MannersChapter XIX: Self-Consciousness and Timidity Foes To SuccessChapter XX: Tact or Common SenseChapter XXI: Enamored of AccuracyChapter XXII: Do It to a FinishChapter XXIII: The Reward of PersistenceChapter XXIV: Nerve—Grip, PluckChapter XXV: Clear GritChapter XXVI: Success Under DifficultiesChapter XXVII: Uses of ObstaclesChapter XXVIII: DecisionChapter XXIX: Observation as a Success FactorChapter XXX: Self-HelpChapter XXXI: The Self-Improvement HabitChapter XXXII: Raising of ValuesChapter XXXIII: Public SpeakingChapter XXXIV: The Triumphs of the Common VirtuesChapter XXXV: Getting ArousedChapter XXXVI: The Man with an IdeaChapter XXXVII: DareChapter XXXVIII: The Will and the WayChapter XXXIX: One Unwavering AimChapter XL: Work and WaitChapter XLI: The Might of Little ThingsChapter XLII: The Salary You Do Not Find In Your Pay EnvelopeChapter XLIII: Expect Great Things of YourselfChapter XLIV: The Next Time You Think You are a FailureChapter XLV: Stand for SomethingChapter XLVI: Nature's Little BillChapter XLVII: Habit—The Servant,—The MasterChapter XLVIII: The CigaretteChapter XLIX: The Power of PurityChapter L: The Habit of HappinessChapter LI: Put Beauty Into Your LifeChapter LII: Education by AbsorptionChapter LIII: The Power of SuggestionChapter LIV: The Curse of WorryChapter LV: Take a Pleasant Thought to Bed with YouChapter LVI: The Conquest of PovertyChapter LVII: A New Way of Bringing Up ChildrenChapter LVIII: The Home as a School of Good MannersChapter LIX: MotherChapter LX: Why So Many Married Women DeteriorateChapter LXI: ThriftChapter LXII: A College Education at HomeChapter LXIII: Discrimination in ReadingChapter LXIV: Reading a Spur to AmbitionChapter LXV: Why Some Succeed and Others FailChapter LXVI: Rich without Money
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