Political Science - a genre of audiobooks on the website knigi-audio.com/en/. Page - 7
A History of Our Own Times From the Accession of Queen Victoria to the General Election of 1880, Volume II - Justin McCarthy

A History of Our Own Times From the Accession of Queen Victoria to the General Election of 1880, Volume II - Justin McCarthy
- Author: Justin McCarthy
- Genre: War & Military / Political Science / Modern (19th C)
Volume II of this popular history opens in the revolutionary year, 1848, with the Chartist movement for manhood suffrage and with the rise of Young Ireland. Next we join the crowds in 1851 at the opening of the Great Exhibition in Hyde Park, of...
The Mysterious Forces of Civilization - Abdu’l-Bahá ‘Abbás

The Mysterious Forces of Civilization - Abdu’l-Bahá ‘Abbás
- Author: Abdu’l-Bahá ‘Abbás
- Genre: Political Science / Other religions
The Mysterious Forces of Civilization (Persian: Risálih-i-Madaníyyih) is a work written before 1875 by ‘Abbás Effendí, known as ‘Abdu’l-Bahá (the Servant of Bahá) (1844-1921). The Persian text was first lithographed in Bombay in 1882 and printed in...
Philip Dru: Administrator - Edward M. HOUSE

Philip Dru: Administrator - Edward M. HOUSE
- Author: Edward M. HOUSE
- Genre: General Fiction / *Non-fiction / Political Science
Philip Dru: Administrator: a Story of Tomorrow, 1920-1935 is a futuristic political novel published anonymously in 1912 by Edward Mandell House, an American diplomat, politician and presidential foreign policy advisor. His book's hero leads the...
Progress and Poverty - Henry GEORGE

Progress and Poverty - Henry GEORGE
- Author: Henry GEORGE
- Genre: Business & Economics / Political Science / Contemporary
What I have done in this book, if I have correctly solved the great problem I have sought to investigate, is, to unite the truth perceived by the school of Smith and Ricardo to the truth perceived by the schools of Proudhon and Lasalle; to show that...
From Dictatorship to Democracy - Gene Sharp

From Dictatorship to Democracy - Gene Sharp
- Author: Gene Sharp
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Political Science
From Dictatorship to Democracy, A Conceptual Framework for Liberation is a book-length essay on the generic problem of how to destroy a dictatorship and to prevent the rise of a new one. The book was written in 1993 by Gene Sharp (b. 1928), a...
Philosophical Rudiments Concerning Government and Society - Thomas HOBBES

Philosophical Rudiments Concerning Government and Society - Thomas HOBBES
- Author: Thomas HOBBES
- Genre: Political Science / Early Modern
De Cive ("On the citizen") is one of Thomas Hobbes's major works. "The book was published originally in Latin from Paris in 1642, followed by two further Latin editions in 1647 from Amsterdam. The English translation of the work made its first...
Leviathan (Books I and II) - Thomas HOBBES

Leviathan (Books I and II) - Thomas HOBBES
- Author: Thomas HOBBES
- Genre: Political Science / Early Modern
Leviathan, or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil, commonly called Leviathan, is a book written in 1651 by Thomas Hobbes. It is titled after the biblical Leviathan. The book concerns the structure of society (as...
The Unsolved Riddle of Social Justice - Stephen Leacock

The Unsolved Riddle of Social Justice - Stephen Leacock
- Author: Stephen Leacock
- Genre: Political Science
This lengthy political essay by noted Canadian humourist Stephen Leacock was written while he was professor of political economy at McGill University. He argues for a middle ground between capitalism and pure socialism. Listeners in the early 21st...
The History of England, from the Accession of James II - (Volume 4, Chapter 18) - Thomas Babington Macaulay

The History of England, from the Accession of James II - (Volume 4, Chapter 18) - Thomas Babington Macaulay
- Author: Thomas Babington Macaulay
- Genre: *Non-fiction / History / Political Science
This is volume 4 chapter 18 of a series of books written by the Baron Macaulay (1800-1859) in the 19th century. It starts with a brief resume of the history of England up until the Stuart kings and then starts to delve into a little more detail....
Edward the First - Thomas Frederick TOUT

Edward the First - Thomas Frederick TOUT
- Author: Thomas Frederick TOUT
- Genre: War & Military / Biography & Autobiography / Political Science
Edward I of England (1239-1307) will always be remembered as the "Hammer of the Scots" who condemned William Wallace (Braveheart) to a traitor's death in 1297. But Edward was one of England's greatest statesman-kings. In this short biography the...
Politics - Aristotle

Politics - Aristotle
- Author: Aristotle
- Genre: Political Science / Ancient
The Politics, by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, is one of the most influential texts in political philosophy. In it, Aristotle explores the role that the political community should play in developing the virtue of its citizens. One of his...
The Citizen's Almanac - Fundamental Documents, Symbols, and Anthems of the United States - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

The Citizen's Almanac - Fundamental Documents, Symbols, and Anthems of the United States - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
- Genre: Culture & Heritage Fiction / Political Science / Modern (20th C)
New citizens of the United States were given this pamphlet when they became citizens. The Citizen's Almanac contains information on the history, people, and events that have brought us where we are today as a beacon of hope and freedom to the world....
Life of Prince Metternich - George Bruce MALLESON

Life of Prince Metternich - George Bruce MALLESON
- Author: George Bruce MALLESON
- Genre: Biography & Autobiography / Political Science
Klemens von Metternich (1773-1859) first foreign minister, and then chancellor of the Austrian Empire was a great diplomat: crafty, manipulative, and single-minded in his determination to overthrow Napoleon and his revolutionary ideals and to...
The Soul of Man - Oscar Wilde

The Soul of Man - Oscar Wilde
- Author: Oscar Wilde
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Political Science / Modern
“(T)he past is what man should not have been. The present is what man ought not to be. The future is what artists are.” Published originally as “The Soul of Man Under Socialism,” this is not so much a work of sober political analysis; rather it can...
State of the Union Addresses by United States Presidents (1857 - 1860) - James BUCHANAN

State of the Union Addresses by United States Presidents (1857 - 1860) - James BUCHANAN
- Author: James BUCHANAN
- Genre: Literary Collections / Political Science
The State of the Union address is a speech presented by the President of the United States to a joint session of the United States Congress, typically delivered annually. The address not only reports on the condition of the nation but also allows...
The Emancipation Proclamation - Abraham Lincoln

The Emancipation Proclamation - Abraham Lincoln
- Author: Abraham Lincoln
- Genre: War & Military / Law / Political Science
After having written and released an initial draft of this proclamation in September of 1862, minor changes were made and Lincoln signed it on January 1st, 1863. It declared free the slaves in 10 states not then under Union control, with exemptions...
Problems in American Democracy - Thames WILLIAMSON

Problems in American Democracy - Thames WILLIAMSON
- Author: Thames WILLIAMSON
- Genre: Political Science
Problems in American Democracy is a very detailed, specific explanation of some of the underlying and surface problems of a democracy system of government, particularly of the American form of democracy. Though lengthy, it is a great read for people...
The Gettysburg Address (version 3) - Abraham Lincoln

The Gettysburg Address (version 3) - Abraham Lincoln
- Author: Abraham Lincoln
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Philosophy / Political Science
The Dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, in November, 1863, followed a few short months after the roiling, acrid clouds of gun smoke dissipated, leaving a little crossroads town in Pennsylvania heir to the human tragedy of over 7,000...
The Age of Reason - Thomas PAINE

The Age of Reason - Thomas PAINE
- Author: Thomas PAINE
- Genre: *Non-fiction / Philosophy / Political Science
The Age of Reason: Being an Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology, a deistic treatise written by eighteenth-century British radical and American revolutionary Thomas Paine, critiques institutionalized religion and challenges the inerrancy of...
Woman and War - Olive Schreiner

Woman and War - Olive Schreiner
- Author: Olive Schreiner
- Genre: Essays & Short Works / Political Science / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
Olive Schreiner was a South African writer born in 1855 to missionary parents in the Eastern Cape. She is credited with being the first Internationally famous South African Novelist. She was an extraordinary person and was one of the earliest...