This is a volume of poetry by Robert Herrick. The volume "Idyllica" was arranged by Francis Turner Palgrave. The 17th century English poet is continuing to inspire readers of his poetry. - Summary by Carolin
The Country LifeTo Phyllis, to Love and Live with HimThe WassailThe FairiesCeremony upon Candlemas EveCeremonies for Candlemas Eve and The Ceremonies for Candlemas DayFarewell Frost, or Welcome SpringTo the Maids, to Walk AbroadCorina's Going A MayingThe MaypoleThe WakeThe Hock-Cart, or Harvest HomeThe Bride-CakeThe Old Wives' PrayerThe Bell-ManTo the Genius of his HouseHis Grange, or Private WealthA Pastoral upon the Birth of Prince CharlesA Dialogue betwixt Himself and Misstress Eliza WheelerA Bucolic Betwixt Two, Lacon and ThyrsisA Pastoral Sung to the KingTo the Willow-TreeThe Fairy Temple, or Oberon's ChapelOberon's FeastThe Beggar to Mab, the Fairy QueenThe HagThe Mad Maid's SongThe Cheat of Cupid, or the Ungentle GuestUpon CupidTo be MerryUpon His Gray HairsA Hymn to the MusesThe Coming of Good LuckHis Content in the CountryHis Return to LondonHis DesireAn Ode for Ben JohnsonTo Live Merrily, and to Trust to Good VersesThe Apparition of His Mistress, Calling Him to ElysiumThe InvitationTo Sir Clipsby CrewA Country Life, to His Brother, Mr Thomas HerrickTo His Peculiar Friend, Mr John WicksA Paranaeticall, or Advisive Verse to His Friend, Mr John WicksTo His Honoured and Most Ingenious Friend, Mr Charles CottonA New Year's Gift, Sent to Sir Simeon StewardAn Ode to Sir Clipsby CrewA Panegyric to Sir Lewis PembertonAll Things Decay and DieTo His Dying Brother, Master William HerrickHis AgeThe Bad Season Makes the Poet SadOn HimselfHis Winding-SheetAnacreonticTo LaurelsOn HimselfOn HimselfTo Robin Red-BreastThe Olive BranchThe Plaudite, or End of LifeTo Groves
Idyllica - Robert Herrick - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at