DedicationPeter Rugg, the BostonianA Ballad of KenelmVergniaud in the TumbrilWinter BoughsM. A. 1822–1888W. H. 1778–1830The Vigil-at-ArmsA Madonna of Domenico GhirlandajoSpring NightfallA Friend’s Song for SimoisiusAthassel AbbeyFlorentinFriendship BrokenA Song of the LilacIn a Ruin, after a Thunder-StormThe Cherry BoughTwo Irish Peasant SongsThe Japanese AnemoneTryste NoelA TalismanHeathenesseFor Izaak WaltonSherman 'An Horatian Ode'When on the Marge of EveningRooks in New College GardensOpen, TimeThe Knight Errant (Donatello’s Saint George)To a Dog’s MemoryA Seventeenth-Century SongOn the Pre-Reformation Churches about OxfordThe Still of the YearA Foot-note to a Famous LyricT. W. P. 1819–1892Summum BonumSaint Florent-le-VieilHylasNocturneThe KingsAlexandrianaLondon: Twelve Sonnets
A Roadside Harp - Louise Imogen Guiney - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at