This is a volume of poetry by Hannah Flagg Gould. Ms Gould was an immensely popular author of children's poetry during her lifetime, and her poems will still be enjoyed by children as well as adults today. - Summary by Carolin
Blowing BubblesInfant FaithPatty ProudI caught a BirdThe Flower of Shells and Silver WireThe little Blind BoyThe Sale of the Water LilyThe Silver BirdsnestThe Quaker FlowerThe Humming-Bird’s AngerThe SabbathThe departing SpiritSonnetFather, hearThe Pilgrim’s Way SongThe rising MonumentA Name in the SandA Child of a Year and a DayThe Believer’s MountainsThe Night and the MorningI shall be satisfiedThe Penitential TearThe Teachings of GodThe Herald’s Cry in the DesertOur Father’s WellThe Mother’s DreamThe War Spirit on Bunker’s HeightThe inner SelfTimeMy HeadThe Wheat FieldThe little TravellerThe entangled FlyThe Peach BlossomsThe broken PipeVivy VainThe Mocking-BirdThe Bird’s HomeThe Bird uncagedDame BiddyThe envious LobsterKit with the RoseThe Storm in the ForestThe uprooted ElmThrough the CloudsMy Rose TreeThe Infant BaptistHymn to SolitudeThe Bible in the FieldsThe hoary HeadMy FatherA Sage hath departedThe Burial of SchillerFuneral Hymn for President HarrisonDirge for Felicia HemansShe died, as dawned her Natal DayWritten in an Album, after the Lines of a deceased FriendThe Sovereign of BabylonThe Deer Stricken by Torch-lightThe Death of SapphiraWilliam at SeaMy PortraitThe Widow’s only SonThe Young MotherEvening at Andover Seminary HillHymn of the parting ClassThe speckled oneThe Moon of a Wintry NightTom TarThe Seaman’s HymnThe Mariner’s Song of DepartureThe Sea Eagle’s FallThe caged LionThe Traveller at the Red SeaThe Hebrew CaptivesFragments from 'Esther,' a PoemGone in her BeautyThe NunTrees for the Pilgrim’s WreathThe Mushroom’s SoliloquyThe Spirit and the MountainThe Fall of the StatueThe Bird’s Maternal CareSongThe White MothEdward and CharlesMusic of the CricketsChildhood’s DreamThe Fruit Tree BlossomThe Plymouth Apple declinedThe half AppleThe Horticulturist’s Table-HymnThe Whip-poor-willThe Autumnal Rose-budTo L. A. E. on her Wedding-dayTo Mrs. H. F. L.Music
The Mother's Dream, and Other Poems - Hannah Flagg Gould - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at