Amo, AmasApril, 1844Beat! Beat! Drums!Borrowing BrainsThe Broken Hearted GardenerCaptivesThe CondemnedThe CurfewDejectionA FarewellFor two birthdaysFragmentary BlueFra Lippo LippiFriendsGhosts of a Lunatic AsylumI Am! Yet What I AmThe IdealistAn Irish LullabyJuvenile HymnThe Little PeachLonely BurialLove Me If I LiveMemorabiliaThe Midges' DanceMusicMy StarNero's Incendiary SongOde to SolitudeThe Old BachelorYou are old, father WilliamOld Ship ChurchOn DeathThe ParadoxThe Pedagogue's ProposalPhantomsThe Poet's Song to his WifePoor Devil!The Smoke Upon Your Altar DiesThe Star-SplitterTo SydneyTaoist SongTo One UnknownThe WestWild Animals I Have Met
Short Poetry Collection 217 - Various - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at