The BeaconsThe Black VultureAn Evening Thought - Written At SeaExcelsiorFrom One Who StaysGethsemaneGodly sorrow arising from the sufferings of ChristThe HermitIf Men only UnderstoodThe KissThe Man Who Couldn't SaveMidnightThe OakThe Other FellowPasser Mortuus EstThe Pastime of the Queen of FairiesPoem VII (When smoke stood up from Ludlow)The Present CrisisThe Prisoner for DebtReligionSic VitaSilent NoonThe Snow ManSong (Go and Catch a Falling Star)Sonnet II (Time does not bring relief)To A Caged LionTo SleepThe VoicelessVulgar FractionsWhen You Know a FellowThe Word of an EngineerYou Felons on Trial in Courts
Short Poetry Collection 140 - Various - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at