DaisyThe Fallen BraveThe Green-Hand RouseaboutGrown-upIs it Done?Lines written after a very severe tempest which cleared up extremely pleasantNe Plus UltraThe Old Oaken BucketOthello - Iago, from Othello, Act. 3, Scene 3 (Part 1)Othello - Iago, from Othello, Act. 3, Scene 3 (Part 2)Other DaysThe Painter on SilkA Service of SongSeventy-SixThe Song of CourtesySonnet 116The Sword and the StaffSympathyTo a FriendTo the Unattainable: Lament of Mahomed AkramWhat Do Poets Want With Gold?When You are OldThe Wife of Bath's TaleThe Wife of FlandersWinter Winds Cold and BleaThe World is Full of Beauty
Short Poetry Collection 152 - Various - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at Knigi-Audio.com/en/