Peer Gynt - Henrik Ibsen
- Title: Peer Gynt
- Author: Henrik Ibsen
- Category: Plays / Poetry
- Time: 5:18:31
Narrator: Cynthia Moyer
Young Peer Gynt: Kristingj
Middleaged Peer Gynt: Max Körlinge
Old Peer Gynt: Lars Rolander
Åse: Amy Gramour
Solveig: Elizabeth Klett
The Button Moulder: DublinGothic
Anitra: Liberty Stump
Helga, Solveigs little sister: Tiffany Halla Colonna
Kari, the cottars wife: Carol Box
Aslak the smith/ A Man Dressed in Mourning: Denny Sayers
Solveig's Father: Marty Kris
Solveig's Mother: Arielle Lipshaw
Ingrid: Patti Cunningham
The Green Clad One / The Old Woman: PitFace
Begriffenfeldt/ Voice: Availle
The Strange Passanger/ The Lean One: Patrick Wallace
The Cook: Karlsson
The Man of the Dovre/ An Old Man: Ron Altman
A Voice in the Darkness: Paul C. Newman
Trumpeterstrale/ The Thread Balls: Bev J. Stevens
Mr. Cotton / Broken Straws: Bob Gonzalez
The Priest: Algy Pug
Memnon's statue / Withered Leaves: David Olson
Schafmann / The Boy / Ninth Lad: Blake Curran
Huhu / Seventh Lad: alanmapstone
First Woman / Bird Cries / A sighing in the air: Patti Cunningham
Second Woman / First Troll Witch: Nadine Eckert-Boulet
Third Woman / Second Troll Witch / Voices: Charlotte Duckett
First Man / An Officer / The New-Comer / A Man in Grey: David Lawrence
Second Man, elderly/ The Troll-Courtiers / The Oldest Troll-Courtier / First Keeper / The Bailiff: Algy Pug
Third Man / First Slave / Second Keeper / The Keepers / Tenth Lad: Phil Benson
Fourth Man / Second Slave / A Fellah / An Elderly Man: Cliff Thompson
First Lad / Several Others / The Brat / First Young Man: Charlotte Duckett
Second Lad / The Crowd / The Boatswain / Second Young Man: David Olson
Third Lad / Several Voices / The Lookout / Third Young Man: Wupperhippo
Fourth Lad / First Troll-Imp / The Mate / Sixth Lad: Marty Kris
Fifth Lad / Second Troll-Imp / Troll-Imps / Eight Lad: Marty Kris
First Girl / Three Seater Girls / First Seater Girl: ChyAnne Donnell
Second Girl / Three Seater Girls / Second Seater Girl / Church-Goers: Helen Falconer
Third Girl / Three Seater Girls / Third Seater Girl: Cathy Barratt
Fourth Girl / Other Girls / A Troll-Maiden / Troll-Maidens: Lucy Perry
Fifth Girl / Others: Grace
The Thief / The Reciever: Nathanial W.C. Higgins
Chorus of Girls: Liberty Stump, Nadine Eckert-Boulet, Jeannie Tirado