The History of Philosophy is the exposition of philosophical opinions and of systems and schools of philosophy. It includes the study of the lives of philosophers, the inquiry into the mutual connection of schools and systems of thought, and the attempt to trace the course of philosophical progress. Topics covered include Ancient Philosophy (Babylon, China, India, Egypt, Greece and Rome) Christian Era Philosophy (St. Anselm, Thomas Aquinas, William of Ockam) and Modern Philosophy (including Descartes, Spinoza, Kant and Hegel.) (Summary by Beth Thomas and the Introduction)
IntroductionPart 1, Ancient Philosophy: Babylonia, Assyria, Egypt, ChinaAncient Philosophy: India, PersiaGreek Philosophy: Introduction and Chapter 1: Earlier Ionian SchoolGreek Philosophy: Chapter 2: The Pythagorean SchoolGreek Philosophy: Chapter 3: The Eleatic SchoolGreek Philosophy: Chapter 4: Later Ionian PhilosophersGreek Philosophy: Chapter 5: The AtomistsGreek Philosophy: Chapter 6: The SophistsGreek Philosophy: Chapter 7: SocratesGreek Philosophy: Chapter 8: The Imperfectly Socratic SchoolsGreek Philosophy: Chapter 9: PlatoGreek Philosophy: Chapter 10: The Platonic SchoolsGreek Philosophy: Chapter 11: Aristotle, Part 1.Greek Philosophy: Chapter 11: Aristotle, Part 2.Greek Philosophy: Chapter 12: The Peripatetic SchoolGreek Philosophy: Chapter 13: The StoicsGreek Philosophy: Chapter 14: The EpicureansGreek Philosophy: Chapters 15-17: The Skeptics, The Eclectics and The Scientific MovementGreek Philosophy: Chapter 18: The Philosophy of the RomansGreco-Oriental Philosophy: Chapter 19: Greco-Jewish PhilosophyGreco-Oriental Philosophy: Chapter 20: Neo-Pythagoreanism and Neo-PlatonismPart 2, Patristic Philosophy: Chapters 21 and 22: Heretical Systems, The Ante-Nicene FathersPatristic Philosophy: Chapter 23: The Post-Nicene FathersScholastic Philosophy: Chapter 24: First Masters of the SchoolsScholastic Philosophy: Chapter 25: John Scotus ErigenaScholastic Philosophy: Chapters 26 and 27: Gerbert, The School of AuxerreScholastic Philosophy: Chapters 28 and 29: The Predecessors of Roscelin, RoscelinScholastic Philosophy: Chapter 30: St AnselmScholastic Philosophy: Chapter 31: William of Champeaux, the Indifferentists, etc.Scholastic Philosophy: Chapter 32: AbelardScholastic Philosophy: Chapter 33: The School of ChartresScholastic Philosophy: Chapters 34 and 35: The Eclectics, The Mystic SchoolScholastic Philosophy: Chapter 36: The Pantheistic SchoolScholastic Philosophy: Chapter 37: The Predecessors of St ThomasScholastic Philosophy: Chapter 38, Part 1: St Thomas of AquinScholastic Philosophy: Chapter 38, Part 2: St Thomas of AquinScholastic Philosophy: Chapters 39 and 40: Thomists and Anti-Thomists, Henry of GhentScholastic Philosophy: Chapters 41 and 42: John Duns Scotus, Averroism in the SchoolsScholastic Philosophy: Chapter 43: The Predecessors of OckhamScholastic Philosophy: Chapters 44 and 45: William of Ockam, Follows and Opponents of OckamScholastic Philosophy: Chapters 46 and 47: The Mystic School, Nicholas of AutrecourtModern Philosophy: Chapters 48 and 49: Scholars of the Transition Period, The HumanistsModern Philosophy: Chapters 50 and 51: Italian Philosophy of Nature, The Scientific MovementModern Philosophy: Chapters 52 and 53: Protestant Mysticism, Systems of Political PhilosophyModern Philosophy: Chapter 54: DescartesModern Philosophy: Chapter 55: CartesianismModern Philosophy: Chapter 56: SpinozaModern Philosophy: Chapter 57: English EmpiricismModern Philosophy: Chapter 58: British MoralistsModern Philosophy: Chapter 59: French EmpiricismModern Philosophy: Chapter 60: The Idealistic MovementModern Philosophy: Chapters 61 and 62: Pan-Phenomenalism, German IlluminationModern Philosophy: Chapter 63: German Philosophy - KantModern Philosophy: Chapter 64: German Philosophy - The Romantic MovementModern Philosophy: Chapter 65: German Philosophy - HegelModern Philosophy: Chapter 66: German Philosophy - SchopenhauerModern Philosophy: Chapter 67: The Scottish SchoolModern Philosophy: Chapter 68: French PhilosophyModern Philosophy: Chapter 69: English PhilosophyModern Philosophy: Chapter 70: Italian PhilosophyModern Philosophy: Chapter 71: American PhilosophyModern Philosophy: Chapter 72: Catholic Philosophy in the Nineteenth CenturyModern Philosophy: Chapter 73: Contemporary PhilosophyModern Philosophy: Chapter 74: Conclusion
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