Started in 1907, An Historical Sketch was a work in 3 volumes, of which this is the first. The author was a British diplomat posted to Asia and his great work was interrupted by World War I, finally being published in 1921. It has been described as the definitive work on the subject and the style is easy to read and follow.
PrefaceBook 1: Influence of Indian Thought in Eastern AsiaOrigin and Growth of HinduismThe BuddhaAsokaExtension of Buddhism and Hinduism Beyond IndiaNew Forms of BuddhismRevival of HinduismLater Forms of HinduismEuropean Influence and Modern HinduismChange and Permanence in BuddhismRebirth and the Nature of the SoulChapter 12Chapter 13Eastern Pessimism and RenunciationEastern PolytheismThe Extravagance of HinduismThe Hindu and Buddhist ScripturesMorality and WillThe Origin of EvilChurch and StatePublic Worship and CeremonialThe Worship of the Reproductive ForcesHinduism in PracticeBuddhism in PracticeInterest of Indian Thought for EuropeBook 2: Early Indian Religion A General ViewReligions of India and Eastern AsiaHistoricalGeneral Characteristics of Indian ReligionVedic Deities and SacrificesAsceticism and KnowledgeReligious Life in Pre-Buddhist IndiaThe JainsBook 3: Pali BuddhismLife of Buddha Parts 1 and 2Life of Buddha Part 3Life of Buddha Parts 4 and 5The Buddha Compared to Other Religious LeadersThe Teaching of the Buddha Parts 1 and 2The Teaching of Buddha Parts 3, 4 and 5The Teaching of Buddha Part 6Monks and LaymenAsokaThe Canon Parts 1, 2 and 3The Canon Parts 4, 5 and 6MeditationMythology in Hinduism and Buddhism
Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1 - Charles Eliot - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at