Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson - Mary White ROWLANDSON
- Title: Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson
- Author: Mary White ROWLANDSON
- Category: *Non-fiction / History
- Time: 1:52:11
This is the story of Mary Rowlandson’s capture by American Indians in 1675. It is a blunt, frightening, and detailed work with several moments of off-color humor. Mary, the wife of a minister, was captured by Natives during King Philip's War while living in a Lancaster town, most of which was decimated, and the people murdered. See through her eyes, which depict Indians as the instruments of Satan. Her accounts were a best-seller of the era, and a seminal work, being one of the first captivity narratives ever published by a woman. Without works such as hers, there would likely not be many modern works inspired by similar themes, such as The Searchers, starring John Wayne.(Summary by Matthew Scott Surprenant )