This comprehensive guide on dog-rearing looks at dogs as more than just pets - as people's best friends. The author describes each breed of dog in a detailed and systematic way, with complete notes on show-dogs. (Summary by Diana Majlinger)
PrefaceChapter 1 - General History of the DogChapter 2 -The English MastiffChapter 3 -The BulldogChapter 4 - The St. BernardChapter 5 - The NewfoundlandChapter 6 - The Great DaneChapter 7 - The DalmatianChapter 8 - The CollieChapter 9 - The Old English SheepdogChapter 10 - The Chow ChowChapter 11 - The PoodleChapter 12 - The SchipperkeChapter 13 - The BloodhoundChapter 14 - The OtterhoundChapter 15 - The Irish WolfhoundChapter 16 - The DeerhoundChapter 17 - The Borzoi, or Russian WolfhoundChapter 18 - The GreyhoundChapter 19 - The WhippetChapter 20 - The FoxhoundChapter 21 - The Harrier and the BeagleChapter 22 - The PointerChapter 23 - The SettersChapter 24 - The RetrieversChapter 25 - The Sporting Spaniel; Part 1Chapter 25 - The Sporting Spaniel; Part 2Chapter 26 - The Basset-HoundChapter 27 - The DachshundChapter 28 - The Old Working TerrierChapter 29 - The White English TerrierChapter 30 - The Black and Tan TerrierChapter 31 - The Bull-TerrierChapter 32 - The Smooth Fox-TerrierChapter 33 - The Wire-Hair Fox-TerrierChapter 34 - The Airedale TerrierChapter 35 - The Bedlington TerrierChapter 36 - The Irish TerrierChapter 37 - The Welsh TerrierChapter 38 - The Scottish TerrierChapter 39 - The West Highland White TerrierChapter 40 - The Dandie DinmontChapter 41 - The Skye and Clydesdale TerriersChapter 42 - The Yorkshire TerrierChapter 43 - The PomeranianChapter 44 - The King Charles SpanielsChapter 45 - The Pekinese and JapaneseChapter 46 - The Maltese Dog and the PugChapter 47 - The Brussels GriffonChapter 48 - The Miniature BreedsChapter 49 - Practical ManagementChapter 50 - Breeding and WhelpingChapter 51 - Some Common Ailments of the Dog and their Treatment; Part 1Chapter 51 - Some Common Ailments of the Dog and their Treatment; Part 2Chapter 52 - The Dog and the Law
Dogs and All About Them - Robert LEIGHTON - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at