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Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 053 - Various

  • Title: Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 053
  • Author: Various
  • Category: *Non-fiction
  • Time: 06:04:35
Twenty short nonfiction works in the public domain, independently chosen by the readers. Topics include History--Jocelyn de Brakelond's 13th century chronicle of the Bury St. Edmund monastery, Lorenzo de Medici's Florence, the voyage of the Mayflower, and Mark Twain's essay Stirring Times in Austria; Philosophy--Kierkegaard and Leibniz; Speeches, Sermons, and Diary Entries from Abraham Lincoln, Robert Ingersoll, and Queen Victoria; Literature--a tribute to George Meredith and a critique of Mencken's The American Language; and Nature and the Natural World--George Mallory outlining the route to the summit of Mt. Everest, Newton's proof of the elliptical orbits of planets, native bees, pear tree blight, fruit soups, and a description of a grain of wheat.

Panegyric on Abraham was translated by Lee M. Hollander. (Summary by Sue Anderson)
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