A comprehensive and readable account of the world's history, emphasizing the more important events, and presenting these as complete narratives in the master-words of the most eminent historians. This is volume 5 of 22, covering from 843-1161 AD. - Summary Adapted from the Title Page
An Outline NarrativeFeudalism: Its Frankish Birth and English Development, 9th -12th Century, by Williams Stubbs, part 1Feudalism: Its Frankish Birth and English Development, 9th -12th Century, by Williams Stubbs, part 2Decay of the Frankish Empire Division into Modern France, Germany and Italy, AD 843-911, by Francois P. G. Guizot, part 1Decay of the Frankish Empire Division into Modern France, Germany and Italy, AD 843-911, by Francois P. G. Guizot, part 2Career of Alfred the Great, AD 871-901, by Thomas Hughes, part 1Career of Alfred the Great, AD 871-901, by Thomas Hughes, part 2Career of Alfred the Great, AD 871-901, by John R. GreenHenry the Fowler Founds the Saxon Line of German Kings, Origin of the German Burghers or Middle Classes, AD 911-936, by Wolfgang MenzelConquest of Egypt by the Fatimites, AD 969, by Stanley Lane-PooleGrowth and Decadence of Chivalry (10th-15th Centry) by Leon Gautier, part 1Growth and Decadence of Chivalry (10th-15th Centry) by Leon Gautier, part 2Conversion of Vladimir the Great, Introduction of Christianity into Russia, AD 988-1015, by A.N. MouravieffLeif Erickson Discovers America, AD 1000, by Charles C, RafnLeif Erickson Discovers America, AD 1000, a Saga of Eric the RedMahometans in India, Bloody Invasion Under Mahmud, AD 1000, by Alexander DowCanute Becomes King of England, AD 1017, by David HumeHenry III Deposes the Pope, AD 1048. by Ferdinand GregoroviusHenry III Deposes the Pope, AD 1048. by Joseph DarrasDissension and Separation of the Greek and Roman Churches, AD 1054, by Henry F. TozerDissension and Separation of the Greek and Roman Churches, AD 1054, by Joseph DeHarbeNorman Conquest of England, Battle of Hastings, AD 1066, by Sir Edward S, Creasy, part 1Norman Conquest of England, Battle of Hastings, AD 1066, by Sir Edward S, Creasy, part 2Triumphs of Hildebrand, "The Turning Point of the Middle Ages," Henry IV Begs for Mercy at Canossa, AD 1073-1085, by Arthur R. PenningtonTriumphs of Hildebrand, "The Turning Point of the Middle Ages," Henry IV Begs for Mercy at Canossa, AD 1073-1085, by Artaud De MontorTriumphs of Hildebrand, "The Turning Point of the Middle Ages," Henry IV Begs for Mercy at Canossa, AD 1073-1085, by Arthur R. PenningtonCompletion of the Doomsday Book, AD 1086, by Charles KnightDecline of the Moorish Power in Spain, Growth and Decay of the Almoravide and Almohade Dynasties, AD 1086-1214 by S.A. Dunham, part 1Decline of the Moorish Power in Spain, Growth and Decay of the Almoravide and Almohade Dynasties, AD 1086-1214 by S.A. Dunham, part 2The First Crusade, AD 1096-1099, by Sir George W. Cox, part 1The First Crusade, AD 1096-1099, by Sir George W. Cox, part 2Foundation of the Order of Knights Templar, AD 1118, by Charles G. AddisonStephen Usurps the English Crown, His Conflicts with Matilda, Decisive Influence of the Church, AD 1135-1154, by Charles Knight, part 1Stephen Usurps the English Crown, His Conflicts with Matilda, Decisive Influence of the Church, AD 1135-1154, by Charles Knight, part 2Antipapal Democratic Movement, Arnold of Brescia, St. Bernard and the Second Crusade, AD 1145-1155, by Johann A.W. NeanderDecline of the Byzantine Empire, Ravages of Roger of Sicily, AD 1146, by George Finlay
The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 5 - Charles F. Horne - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at Knigi-Audio.com/en/