Part almanac, part encyclopedia, part dictionary, Nathaniel C. Fowler, Jr. gives us his idea of important, but sometimes obscure, facts that he thinks should be in our bank of general knowledge. He includes a large section on medical emergency and health. Items are arranged in alphabetical order, so there is no logical presentation, but reference is made easy. Or, it is just interesting browsing, and a glimpse into the world of the early twentieth century. - Summary by Larry Wilson
PrefaceAcetylene Gas - Artificial IceAtlantic CableAtmosphere - Birth StonesBlind - Brook FarmCalculating InterestCanals - CelluloidCertified Checks - Climate and TemperatureCoal Industry - CometsCommon Measurements - Communism and SocialismComparative Population of the United States - CorsetsCosmetics - Crust of the EarthDaguerreotypes - Digestibility of FoodsDistances Between Cities in the United StatesDiving Bells - DynamiteEarth Facts - EarthquakesEarthquake Areas of the Earth - EmbezzlementErrors of History - EsperantoFailures - Farm ProductionFirst Trans-Atlantic Steamship - Foretelling the WeatherFreemasonry - Grain IndustryGravity - Great TunnelsHair Growers - HealthHistorical FactsHoly Grail - InsaneIron Industry - Languages of the WorldLarge Cities of North America Akron, O. - Muskogee, Okla.Large Cities of North America Nashua, N. H. - Winnipeg, Man.Law - Liquor and Wine IndustryLiterature - MoonMortality - NaturalizationNewspapers - Ocean OwnershipOld Time Ships - PartnershipPatent MedicinesPerpetual Motion - Pole StarPopulation and Land Area of the United States - Population Per Square MilePorto Rico - Principal Countries of the WorldPrinting Presses - Pure FoodPyramids - RoadsRound Table - Seven Deadly SinsSeven Liberal Arts - Ship BellsSlavery - Solar SystemSome Things Worth Knowing - Spectacles and GlassesSporting, Speed, and Other Records - Airship Records - Endurance RecordsSporting, Speed, and Other Records - Hammer Throwing - Shot Putting ProfessionalSporting, Speed, and Other Records - Skating Amateur - Walking Records ProfessionalStandard Time - Stars, Their NumberStar Spangled Banner - Statistics of Population United States, by StatesStature and WeightsSteam Engine - Sugar IndustrySunday Schools - TelegraphTelephone - ThunderTicket-of-Leave - Tom ThumbTo Produce Different Colors - TurbinesType - United States FlagUnited States History in BriefUniversity Extension - Watered StockWealth of Nations - Wedding AnniversariesWeights and MeasuresWhat to Do in EmergenciesAccidents - BathsBleeding - ChilblainsCleanliness - DiphtheriaDisinfectants - Dog BitesDrowningDrowning Another Method - Emergencies with ChildrenEmergency Medicines - GlycerinEmergency Medicines - Peppermint - Emetics and StimulantsExercise - FaintingFeeding an Invalid - Fumigating a Sick-RoomGetting Things into the Eye, Nose, Ear, etc. - HiccoughsHow to Avoid Accidents - NeuralgiaPoison - For Poisonous MushroomsPulse - Scalds and BurnsShock or Collapse -Sore ThroatSprains - SunstrokeTemperature of the Body - VomitingWills - Woman's SuffrageWomen Voters - Yankee Doodle
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