This is a tale based on Melville's experiences aboard the USS United States from 1843 to 1844. It comments on the harsh and brutal realities of service in the US Navy at that time, but beyond this the narrator has created for the reader graphic symbols for class distinction, segregation and slavery aboard this microcosm of the world, the USS Neversink. (Introduction by James K. White)
I - Preface and The JacketII - Homeward BoundIII - A Glance At The Principal Divisions, Into Which A Man-of-War's Crew Is DividedIV - Jack ChaseV - Jack Chase on a Spanish Quarter-Deck; VI - The Quarter-Deck Officers, Warrant Officers, and Berth-Deck Underlings Of A Man-of-War; Where They Live In The Ship; How They Live; Their Social Standing On Shipboard; And What Sort Of Gentlemen They AreVII - Breakfast, Dinner, And SupperVIII - Selvagee Contrasted With Mad-JackIX - Of The Pockets That Were In The Jacket; X - From Pockets To PickpocketsXI - The Pursuit of Poetry Under DifficultiesXII - The Good or Bad Temper of Men-of-War's Men, In a Great Degree, Attributable to Their Particular Stations and Duties Aboard ShipXIII - A Man-of-War Hermit In A MobXIV - A Draught In A Man-of-War; XV - A Salt-Junk Club In A Man-of-War, With A Notice To QuitXVI - General Training In A Man-of-WarXVII - Away! Second, Third, and Fourth Cutters, Away!XVIII - A Man-of-War Full As A NutXIX - The Jacket AloftXX - How They Sleep In A Man of WarXXI - One Reason Why Men-of-War's Men Are, Generally, Short-LivedXXII - Wash-Day And House-Cleaning In A Man-Of-WarXXIII - Theatricals In A Man-of-WarXXIV - Introductory To Cape HornXXV - The Dog-Days Off Cape HornXXVI - The Pitch of the CapeXXVII - Some Thoughts Growing Out Of Mad Jack's Countermanding His Superior's OrderXVIII - Edging AwayXXIX - The Night-WatchesXXX - A Peep Through a Port-Hole at the Subterranean Parts of a Man-of-WarXXXI - The Gunner Under HatchesXXXII - A Dish of DunderfunkXXXIII - A FloggingXXXIV - Some of the Evil Effects of FloggingXXXV - Flogging Not LawfulXXXVI - Flogging Not NecessaryXXXVII - Some Superior Old "London Dock" From the Wine-Coolers of NeptuneXXXVIII - The Chaplain and Chapel In A Man-of-WarXXXIX - The Frigate In Harbour.--The Boats.--Grand State Reception of The CommodoreXL - Some of the Ceremonies in a Man-of-War Unnecessary and InjuriousXLI - A Man-of-War LibraryXLII - Killing Time In A Man-of-War In HarbourXLIII - Smuggling In A Man-of-WarXLIV - A Knave In Office In A Man-of-WarXLV - Publishing Poetry In A Man-of-WarXLVI - The Commodore on the Poop, And One of 'The People" Under the Hands of the SurgeonXLVII - An Auction In A Man-of-WarXLVIII - Purser, Purser's Steward, And Postmaster In A Man-of-WarXLIX - Rumors Of A War, And How They Were Received By The Population Of The NeversinkL - The Bay of All BeautiesLI - One of "The People" Has An Audience With The Commodore And The Captain On The Quarter-DeckLII - Something Concerning MidshipmenLIII - Seafaring Persons Peculiarly Subject To Being Under The Weather.--The Effects Of This Upon A Man-Of-War CaptainLIV - The People Are Given "Liberty"LV - Midshipmen Entering The Navy EarlyLVI - A Shore Emperor On Board A Man-Of-WarLVII - The Emperor Reviews The People At QuartersLVIII - A Quarter-Deck Officer Before The MastLIX - A Man-Of-War Button Divides Two BrothersLX - A Man-Of-War's-Man Shot AtLXI - The Surgeon Of The FleetLXII - A Consultation Of Man-Of-War SurgeonsLXIII - The OperationLXIV - Man-Of-War TrophiesLXV - A Man-Of-War RaceLXVI - Fun In A Man-Of-WarLXVII - White-Jacket Arraigned At The MastLXVIII - A Man-Of-War Fountain, And Other ThingsLXIX - Prayers At The GunsLXX - Monthly Muster Round The CapstanLXXI - The Genealogy Of The Articles Of WarLXXII - "Herein Are The Good Ordinances Of The Sea, Which Wise Men, Who Voyaged Round The World, Gave To Our Ancestors, And Which Constitute The Books Of The Science Of Good Customs" --The Consulate Of The SeaLXXIII - Night And Day Gambling In A Man-Of-WarLXXIV - The Main-Top At NightLXXV - "Sink, Burn, And Destroy."--Printed Admiralty Orders In Time of WarLXXVI - The ChainsLXXVII - The Hospital In A Man-Of-WarLXXVIII - Dismal Times In The MessLXXIX - How Man-Of-War's Men Die At SeaLXXX - The Last StitchLXXXI - How They Bury A Man-Of-War's Man At SeaLXXXII - What Remains Of A Man-Of-War's Man After His Burial At SeaLXXXIII - A Man-Of-War CollegeLXXXIV - Man-Of-War BarbersLXXXV - The Great Massacre of the BeardsLXXXVI - The Rebels Brought To The MastLXXXVII - Old Ushant At The GangwayLXXXVIII - Flogging Through The FleetLXXXIX - The Social State In A Man-Of-WarXC - The Manning Of NaviesXCI - Smoking-Club In A Man-Of-War, With Scenes On The Gun-Deck Drawing Near HomeXCII - The Last Of The JacketXCIII - Cable And Anchor All ClearThe End
White Jacket, or The World in a Man-of-War - Herman Melville - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at