Audio Books » Nature » Bees, Shown to the Children - Ellison Hawks
Bees, Shown to the Children - Ellison Hawks Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |

Bees, Shown to the Children - Ellison Hawks

A very good introduction to the bee, including its physical and behavioral characteristics. Most appropriate for children. - Summary by KevinS
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PrefaceAbout the BeeThe Queen BeeThe DroneThe Worker BeeThe MicroscopeThe HeadThe Wonderful AntennaeThe EyesThe Tongue and Mouth PartsThe JawsThe ThoraxThe LegsThe First Pair of LegsThe Second and Third Pair of LegsThe WingsThe AbdomenThe Breathing ApparatusThe StingThe Ancients and BeesThe HiveA Visit to the HiveThe City GateThe Guard BeesWorkers in the CityThe Comb BuildersThe Life of the BeeThe Story of the QueenThe Pollen GatherersThe Varnish MakersThe Nectar GatherersThe Winter SleepThe SwarmTaking the SwarmThe Old Hive after the SwarmThe Massacre of the DronesHoneyModern Bee-KeepingThe Bees' EnemiesPowers of CommunicationBee FlowersPollenBees and FlowersHow Flowers Protect Their NectarHow Flowers are FertilizedConclusion
Bees, Shown to the Children - Ellison Hawks - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at
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