The most complete set of the epic Norse eddas, or poems. It contains in beautiful verse the pagan beliefs of the Old Norse. Luckily in this work both the Elder Eddas of Saemund Sigfusson and the Younger Eddas of Snorre Sturleson are presented, and you may find a version of the Nibelunglied that you aren't as familiar with. Numerous authors including Tolkien and Martin have acknowledge their debt to and appreciation for these traditional works. (Summary by Becky Cook)
The audiobook "Elder Eddas of Saemund Sigfusson; and the Younger Eddas of Snorre Sturleson - Sæmund Sigfusson" - Listen to popular best audio books online for free
00 - Preface01 - Introduction to the Voluspa02 - Voluspa, The Vala's Prophecy03 - The Lay of Vafthrudnir04 - The Lay of Grimnir05 - The Lay of Vegtam, Or Baldr's Dreams06 - The High One's Lay07 - Odin's Rune-song08 - The Lay of Hymir09 - The Lay of Thrym, Or The Hammer Recovered10 - The Lay of the Dwarf Alvis11 - The Lay of Harbard12 - The Journey or Lay of Skirnir13 - The Lay of Rig14 - Oegir's Compotation, or Loki's Altercation15 - The Lay of Fiolsvith16 - The Lay of Hyndla17 - The Incantation of Groa18 - The Song of The Sun19 - The Lay of Volund20 - The Lay of Helgi Hiorvard's Son21 - The First Lay of Helgi Hundingcid22 - The Second Lay of Helgi Hundingcide23 - Sinfiotli's End24 - The First Lay of Siguard Fafnicide, or Gripir's Prophecy25 - The Second Lay of Sigurd Fafnicide26 - The Lay of Fafnir27 - The Lay of Sigrdrifa28 - Fragments of the Lay of Sigurd and Brynhild29 - The Third Lay of Sigurd Fafnicide30 - Fragments of te Lay of Brynhild31 - The First Lay of Gudrun32 - Brynhild's Hel-ride33 - The Slaughter of the Niflungs34 - The Second Lay of Gudrun35 - The Third Lay of Gudrun36 - Oddrun's Lament37 - The Lay of Atli38 - The Groenland Lay of Atli39 - Gudrun's Incitement40 - The Lay of Hamdir41 - The Deluding of Gylfi42 - Gylfi's Journey to Asgard43 - Of The Supreme Deity44 - Of The Primordial State of the Universe45 - Origin of the Hrimthursar, or Frost-Giants46 - Of the Cow Audhumla, and the Birth of Odin47 - How the Sons of Bor Slew Ymir, and from His Body Made Heaven and Earth48 - Of The Formation of the First Man and Woman49 - Of Night and Day50 - Of the Sun and Moon51 - Of the Wolves that Pursue the Sun and Moon52 - Of the Way that Leads to Heaven53 - The Golden Age54 - Origin of the Dwarfs55 - Of the Ash Yggdrasill, Mimir's Well, and the Norns or Destinies56 - Of the Various Celestial Regions57 - Of the Wind and the Seasons58 - Of Odin59 - Of Thor60 - Of Baldur61 - Of Njord62 - Of the God Frey, and the Goddess Freyja63 - Of Tyr64 - Of the Other God65 - Hodur, The Blind Assassin of Baldur66 - Of Loki and His Progeny67 - Binding the Wolf Fenir68 - Of the Godesses69 - Of Frey and Gerda70 - Of the Joys of Valhalla71 - Of the Horse Sleipnir72 - Of the Ship Skidbladnir73 - Thor's Adventures on His Journey to the Land of the Giants74 - How Thor Went to Fish for the Midgard Serpent75 - The Death of Baldur the Good76 - Baldur in the Abode of the Dead77 - The Flight and Punishment of Loki78 - Of Ragnarok, or the Twilight Of the Gods, and the Conflagration of the Universe79 - Abodes of Future Bliss and Misery80 - The Renovation of the Universe81 - Aegir's Journey to Asgard82 - Iduna and Her Apples83 - The Origin of Poetry84 - Odin Beguiles the Daughter of Baugi
Elder Eddas of Saemund Sigfusson; and the Younger Eddas of Snorre Sturleson - Sæmund Sigfusson - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at