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Gargantua and Pantagruel, Book I - François Rabelais

The Life of Gargantua and of Pantagruel (in French, La vie de Gargantua et de Pantagruel) is a connected series of five novels written in the 16th century by François Rabelais. It is the story of two giants, a father (Gargantua) and his son (Pantagruel) and their adventures, written in an amusing, extravagant, satirical vein. There is much crudity and scatological humor as well as a large amount of violence. Long lists of vulgar insults fill several chapters.(Summary by Wikipedia)
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Poems and PrologueChapter 1.I.—Of the Genealogy and Antiquity of GargantuaChapter 1.II.—-The Antidoted Fanfreluches: or, a Galimatia of extravagant Conceits found in an ancient MonumentChapter 1.III.—How Gargantua was carried eleven months in his mother's bellyChapter 1.IV.—-How Gargamelle, being great with Gargantua, did eat a huge deal of tripesChapter 1.V.—The Discourse of the DrinkersChapter 1.VI.—How Gargantua was born in a strange mannerChapter 1.VII.—After what manner Gargantua had his name given him, and how he tippled, bibbed, and curried the canChapter 1.VIII.—How they apparelled GargantuaChapter 1.IX.—The colours and liveries of GargantuaChapter 1.X.—Of that which is signified by the colours white and blueChapter 1.XI.—Of the youthful age of GargantuaChapter 1.XII.—Of Gargantua's wooden horsesChapter 1.XIII.—How Gargantua's wonderful understanding became known to his father Grangousier, by the invention of a torchecul or wipebreechChapter 1.XIV.—How Gargantua was taught Latin by a SophisterChapter 1.XV.—How Gargantua was put under other schoolmastersChapter 1.XVI.—How Gargantua was sent to Paris, and of the huge great mare that he rode on; how she destroyed the oxflies of the BeauceChapter 1.XVII.—How Gargantua paid his welcome to the Parisians, and how he took away the great bells of Our Lady's ChurchChapter 1.XVIII.—How Janotus de Bragmardo was sent to Gargantua to recover the great bellsChapter 1.XIX.—The oration of Master Janotus de Bragmardo for recovery of the bellsChapter 1.XX.—How the Sophister carried away his cloth, and how he had a suit in law against the other mastersChapter 1.XXI.—The study of Gargantua, according to the discipline of his schoolmasters the SophistersChapter 1.XXII.—The games of GargantuaChapter 1.XXIII.—How Gargantua was instructed by Ponocrates, and in such sort disciplinated, that he lost not one hour of the dayChapter 1.XXIV.—How Gargantua spent his time in rainy weatherChapter 1.XXV.—How there was great strife and debate raised betwixt the cake-bakers of Lerne, and those of Gargantua's country, whereupon were waged great warsChapter 1.XXVI.—How the inhabitants of Lerne, by the commandment of Picrochole their king, assaulted the shepherds of Gargantua unexpectedly and on a suddenChapter 1.XXVII.—How a monk of Seville saved the close of the abbey from being ransacked by the enemyChapter 1.XXVIII.—How Picrochole stormed and took by assault the rock Clermond, and of Grangousier's unwillingness and aversion from the undertaking of warChapter 1.XXIX.—The tenour of the letter which Grangousier wrote to his son GargantuaChapter 1.XXX.—How Ulric Gallet was sent unto PicrocholeChapter 1.XXXI.—The speech made by Gallet to PicrocholeChapter 1.XXXII.—How Grangousier, to buy peace, caused the cakes to be restoredChapter 1.XXXIII.—How some statesmen of Picrochole, by hairbrained counsel, put him in extreme dangerChapter 1.XXXIV.—How Gargantua left the city of Paris to succour his country, and how Gymnast encountered with the enemyChapter 1.XXXV.—How Gymnast very souply and cunningly killed Captain Tripet and others of Picrochole's menChapter 1.XXXVI.—How Gargantua demolished the castle at the ford of Vede, and how they passed the fordChapter 1.XXXVII.—How Gargantua, in combing his head, made the great cannon-balls fall out of his hairChapter 1.XXXVIII.—How Gargantua did eat up six pilgrims in a saladChapter 1.XXXIX.—How the Monk was feasted by Gargantua, and of the jovial discourse they had at supperChapter 1.XL.—Why monks are the outcasts of the world; and wherefore some have bigger noses than othersChapter 1.XLI.—How the Monk made Gargantua sleep, and of his hours and breviariesChapter 1.XLII.—How the Monk encouraged his fellow-champions, and how he hanged upon a treeChapter 1.XLIII.—How the scouts and fore-party of Picrochole were met with by Gargantua, and how the Monk slew Captain Drawforth (Tirevant.), and then was taken prisoner by his enemiesChapter 1.XLIV.—How the Monk rid himself of his keepers, and how Picrochole's forlorn hope was defeatedChapter 1.XLV.—How the Monk carried along with him the Pilgrims, and of the good words that Grangousier gave themChapter 1.XLVI.—How Grangousier did very kindly entertain Touchfaucet his prisonerChapter 1.XLVII.—How Grangousier sent for his legions, and how Touchfaucet slew Rashcalf, and was afterwards executed by the command of PicrocholeChapter 1.XLVIII.—How Gargantua set upon Picrochole within the rock Clermond, and utterly defeated the army of the said PicrocholeChapter 1.XLIX.—How Picrochole in his flight fell into great misfortunes, and what Gargantua did after the battleChapter 1.L.—Gargantua's speech to the vanquishedChapter 1.LI.—How the victorious Gargantuists were recompensed after the battleChapter 1.LII.—How Gargantua caused to be built for the Monk the Abbey of ThelemeChapter 1.LIII.—How the abbey of the Thelemites was built and endowedChapter 1.LIV.—The inscription set upon the great gate of ThelemeChapter 1.LV.—What manner of dwelling the Thelemites hadChapter 1.LVI.—How the men and women of the religious order of Theleme were apparelledChapter 1.LVII.—How the Thelemites were governed, and of their manner of livingChapter 1.LVIII.—A prophetical Riddle
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