This collection was a joint effort by the chaplains of the US Army and the Navy to meet the needs of divine services conducted in the Army and Navy, and for, in the compilers' words, "the upbuilding of patriotic citizenship." These 20 hymns from the book were selected by the singers. (Summary by Kevin Davidson)
Sunset and Evening Star - Tune: Crossing the BarEncamped Along the Hills of Light - Tune: Faith is the VictorySoftly Now the Light of Day - Tune: SeymourEternal Father, Strong to Save - Tune: MelitaHoly, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty - Tune: NiceaNearer My God to Thee - Tune: BethanyOh God, Our Help in Ages Past - Tune: St. AnneCome, Thou Fount of Every Blessing - Tune: NettletonTake My Life, and Let It Be - Tune: HendonO Beautiful for Spacious Skies - Tune: MaternaSpirit of God Descend Upon My Heart - Tune: MorecambeA Mighty Fortress Is Our God - Tune: Ein Feste BurgLord, Speak to Me, that I May Speak - Tune: CanonburySavior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us - Tune: BradburyGod of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand - Tune: National HymnMaster, the Tempest is RagingJoy to the World! the Lord Is Come - Tune: AntiochCome Thou Almighty King - Tune: Italian HymnThe Lord Is My Shepherd - Tune: PolandGlorious Things of Thee are Spoken: Tune: Austria
Selections from The Army and Navy Hymnal, Volume 2 - Various - Description and brief content, listen free online on the e-library site at