Audio Books » Middle Ages/Middle History » The Moors in Spain - Stanley LANE-POOLE
The Moors in Spain - Stanley LANE-POOLE Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |

The Moors in Spain - Stanley LANE-POOLE

“The history of Spain offers us a melancholy contrast. Twelve hundred years ago, Tarik the Moor added the land of the Visigoths to the long catalogue of kingdoms subdued by the Moslems. For nearly eight centuries, under her Mohammedan rulers, Spain set to all Europe a shining example of a civilized and enlightened State. Her fertile provinces, rendered doubly prolific by the industry and engineering skill of her conquerors, bore fruit an hundredfold. Cities innumerable sprang up in the rich valleys of the Guadalquivir and the Guadiana, whose names, and names only, still commemorate the vanished glories of their past.” - Summary by Stanley Lane-Poole
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