Audiobooks have revolutionized the way we listen to books. No longer do you have to purchase physical copies or remain stuck in one place, audiobooks offer an incredible way to listen to stories from any genre. Medieval audiobooks provide a great opportunity for readers and listeners alike, to immerse themselves in some of the greatest works of literature from this era.
There are countless free audio books out there for readers interested in medieval literature. From classic works like Beowulf and Gawain and the Green Knight, to more modern takes such as I Lives My Own Death by Robert Don Hughes, these books provide hours of entertaining listening experiences. Whether you're looking for best audio books or just looking for something entertaining during your commute, there are lots of free audio books online that can keep you busy while you learn about medieval culture.
Elizabethan Demonology - Thomas Alfred SPALDING
Elizabethan Demonology - Thomas Alfred SPALDING
Elizabethan Demonology: An Essay in Illustration of the Belief in the Existence of Devils, and the Powers Possessed By Them, as It Was Generally Held during the Period of the Reformation, and the Times Immediately Succeeding; with Special Reference...
The Convivio - Dante ALIGHIERI
The Convivio - Dante ALIGHIERI
- Author: Dante ALIGHIERI
- Genre: Lyric / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology) / Medieval
Convivio (The Banquet) is a work written by Dante Alighieri roughly between 1304 and 1307. This unfinished work of Dante consists of four trattati, or "books": a prefatory one, plus three books that each include a canzone (long lyrical poem) and a...
Utopia (Burnet translation) - Thomas MORE
Utopia (Burnet translation) - Thomas MORE
- Author: Thomas MORE
- Genre: Published before 1800 / Medieval
This book is all about the fictional country called Utopia. It is a country with an ‘ideal’ form of communism, in which everything really does belong to everybody, everyone does the work they want to, and everyone is alright with that. This country...
Meister Eckhart's Sermons: First Time Translated into English - Meister ECKHART
Meister Eckhart's Sermons: First Time Translated into English - Meister ECKHART
"If a piece of wood became as aware of the nearness of God as an archangel is, the piece of wood would be as happy as an archangel."This is a collection of seven sermons of Meister Eckhart, the German medieval scholastic philosopher-theologian,...
The Praise of Folly - Desiderius ERASMUS
The Praise of Folly - Desiderius ERASMUS
The Praise of Folly (Greek title: Morias Enkomion (Μωρίας Εγκώμιον), Latin: Stultitiae Laus, sometimes translated as In Praise of Folly, Dutch title: Lof der Zotheid) is a satirical essay written in 1509 by Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam...
The Guide for the Perplexed, Part One - Moses Maimonides
The Guide for the Perplexed, Part One - Moses Maimonides
The Guide for the Perplexed by Mūsá ibn Maymūn (known throughout the Christian West as Moses Maimonides) is regarded as one of the most important works of Medieval Jewish thought. The book attempted to harmonize the philosophy of Aristotle with the...