Medical - a genre of audiobooks on the website Page - 3
Andreas Vesalius, The Reformer of Anatomy - James Moores Ball

Andreas Vesalius, The Reformer of Anatomy - James Moores Ball
- Author: James Moores Ball
- Genre: Biography & Autobiography / Medical / Early Modern
Vesalius (born in Brussels, 1514-1564) is one of the foundation stones of modern medicine. Forsaking the study of anatomy by reading the ancients, he instead dissected bodies and drew detailed illustrations of his observations. He was enormously...
The Backwash Of War: The Human Wreckage Of The Battlefield As Witnessed By An American Hospital Nurse - Ellen Newbold La Motte

The Backwash Of War: The Human Wreckage Of The Battlefield As Witnessed By An American Hospital Nurse - Ellen Newbold La Motte
- Author: Ellen Newbold La Motte
- Genre: War & Military / Medical / Modern (20th C)
Ellen Newbold La Motte (1873–1961) was an American nurse, journalist and author. … and in 1915 volunteered as one of the first American war nurses to go to Europe and treat soldiers in World War I. In Belgium she served in a French field hospital,...
The Science - History of the Universe Vol. 7: Anthropology & Medicine - Francis ROLT-WHEELER

The Science - History of the Universe Vol. 7: Anthropology & Medicine - Francis ROLT-WHEELER
- Author: Francis ROLT-WHEELER
- Genre: Medical / Science / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)
Multi-volume work on science edited by Francis Rolt-Wheeler. The seventh volume is on Anthropology written by the editor himself and on Medicine written by Theodore H. Allen. An introduction to the Anthropology section was written by Frederick...
The Natural History Volume 6 - Pliny the Elder

The Natural History Volume 6 - Pliny the Elder
- Author: Pliny the Elder
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Medical / Nature
Naturalis Historia (Latin for "Natural History") is an encyclopedia published circa AD 77-79 by Pliny the Elder. It is one of the largest single works to have survived from the Roman empire to the modern day and purports to cover the entire field of...
Work Of The Sisters During The Epidemic Of Influenza October, 1918 - Francis Edward Tourscher

Work Of The Sisters During The Epidemic Of Influenza October, 1918 - Francis Edward Tourscher
- Author: Francis Edward Tourscher
- Genre: Health & Fitness / Medical / Modern (20th C)
In 1918 over 2,000 Roman Catholic nuns left their convents in the Philadelphia area to nurse the sick and dying of the influenza epidemic. Twenty-three of the sisters died because of their ministrations. This is an account of their heroic work...
The Natural History Volume 5 - Pliny the Elder

The Natural History Volume 5 - Pliny the Elder
- Author: Pliny the Elder
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Medical / Nature
Naturalis Historia (Latin for "Natural History") is an encyclopedia published circa AD 77-79 by Pliny the Elder. It is one of the largest single works to have survived from the Roman empire to the modern day and purports to cover the entire field of...
Religion and Health - James Joseph Walsh

Religion and Health - James Joseph Walsh
- Author: James Joseph Walsh
- Genre: Medical / Religion
In the introductory chapter and the one following we find the strong presentation of his thesis on the everlasting reality of religion. The chapter on Prayer, marked by absence of psychological speculation, treats practically of the naturalness and...
The Evolution of Modern Medicine - Sir William OSLER

The Evolution of Modern Medicine - Sir William OSLER
- Author: Sir William OSLER
- Genre: History / Medical
This is the manuscript of Sir William Osler's lectures on the "Evolution of Modern Medicine," delivered at Yale University in 1913. Here, the father of modern clinical medicine provides a brief introduction to the history of medicine from its origin...
History of Animals - Aristotle

History of Animals - Aristotle
- Author: Aristotle
- Genre: Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Animals / Medical
(Greek: Τῶν περὶ τὰ ζῷα ἱστοριῶν, Ton peri ta zoia historion, "Inquiries on Animals"; Latin: Historia Animalium, "History of Animals") Book I Grouping of animals and the parts of the human body. Book II Different parts of red-blooded animals. Book...
Safeguarding children: pediatric medical countermeasure research - Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethica

Safeguarding children: pediatric medical countermeasure research - Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethica
- Author: Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethica
- Genre: Medical / Life Sciences
Safeguarding Children: Pediatric Medical Countermeasure Research is the response from the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues (the Bioethics Commission) to a request from Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius....
An Essay of the Shaking Palsy - James Parkinson

An Essay of the Shaking Palsy - James Parkinson
- Author: James Parkinson
- Genre: Medical
This publication is said to be the first to present a systematic view of what was later named Parkinson's disease. Six case studies are described and some speculation is offered as to the causes of 'paralysis agitans,' the author's name for the...
The Bubonic Plague - Rai Bahadur A. Mitra

The Bubonic Plague - Rai Bahadur A. Mitra
- Author: Rai Bahadur A. Mitra
- Genre: Medical / Life Sciences
Dr. Rai Bahadur A. Mitra who was the Chief Medical Officer in Kashmir presents a short treatise on the bubonic plague. The book ranges from a short history of the bubonic plague, including an account of the great 1665 plague in London, through...
Pioneer Work in Opening the Medical Profession to Women - Elizabeth Blackwell

Pioneer Work in Opening the Medical Profession to Women - Elizabeth Blackwell
- Author: Elizabeth Blackwell
- Genre: Biography & Autobiography / Education / Medical
A fascinating account of the first woman to receive a medical degree in the United States. She writes of her struggles in being accepted to a medical school (at one point she is advised to disguise herself as a male). She details her experiences...
“The Flu”: A Brief History of Influenza in U. S. America, Europe, Hawaii - A. Mouritz

“The Flu”: A Brief History of Influenza in U. S. America, Europe, Hawaii - A. Mouritz
- Author: A. Mouritz
- Genre: History / Medical / Science
PREFACE This Booklet has been written and compiled for the use of any student or layman who seeks concise and clear information on the history of Influenza. Brief and salient facts are set forth relating to “Flu” epidemics and pandemics: other...
On Famine Fever and Some of the Other Cognate Forms of Typhus - Rudolf Virchow

On Famine Fever and Some of the Other Cognate Forms of Typhus - Rudolf Virchow
- Author: Rudolf Virchow
- Genre: Medical / Modern (19th C)
Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902), professor of medicine and pathology at the Charité Hospital in Berlin, published more than 2000 papers and dozens of books. His investigation of the 1847-1848 typhus epidemic in Upper Silesia laid the foundations of...
Reminiscences Of A Workhouse Medical Officer - Joseph Rogers

Reminiscences Of A Workhouse Medical Officer - Joseph Rogers
- Author: Joseph Rogers
- Genre: Health & Fitness / Medical / Memoirs
Joseph Rogers (1821-1889) was an English physician, medical officer, and health care reformer in London. The system of poor-law dispensaries and separate sick wards, with proper staffs of medical attendants and nurses, was due to the efforts of...