Audio Books » Literary Fiction » In Vino Veritas, from Stages on Life’s Way - Soren KIERKEGAARD
In Vino Veritas, from Stages on Life’s Way - Soren KIERKEGAARD Audiobooks - Free Audio Books |

In Vino Veritas, from Stages on Life’s Way - Soren KIERKEGAARD

In Vino Veritas is one section of Kierkegaard's Stages on Life's Way, originally published in 1845. In a conscious reference to Plato's Symposium, it is determined that each participant must give a speech, and that their topic shall be love. Lee M. Hollander said, "it excels Plato's work in subtlety, richness, and refined humor. To be sure, Kierkegaard has charged his creation with such romantic superabundance of delicate observations and rococo ornament that the whole comes dangerously near being improbable; whereas the older work stands solidly in reality." Some of the speakers in this book are charcters from Kierkegaard's other books. Victor Eremita, Judge William, and Johannes the Seducer were all from Either/Or (1843) and Constantin and the Young Person were from Repetition (1843). (Summary by Soupy)
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